I spent a lot of time looking for binding for this neutral 16 patch quilt. The light fabric at the left is the backing, the gray design and black with stars are the binding choices. The gray one is in a few of the blocks in the quilt. Most of the other fabrics that I found that might work were too small to cut the number of strips I will need. My only other choice would be to use a variety of strips. I need to trim the quilt first so I can think about the right choice.
I decided to just knit last night instead of sewing and finished this purple dishcloth.
It was over 50 degrees yesterday and will be 10 Thursday morning. I need to go out today while it's still in the upper 40s or low 50s and see if there are any branches to pick up. I think everything else is done outside.
It was sunny and over 50 here yesterday which made it a lovely night to walk through outdoor lights. Today will be over 50 too but rain all day. It will be interesting to see which binding you chose. I’m leaning towards the grey :)
I like the stars fabric for the binding..but they are both good choices...
33 here and clouded over. We are supposed to get rain today--and still being in a drought condition, we really need a good rainy few days... enjoy your warmer days......hugs Julierose
I'm always fighting the urge to rush through selecting a fabric for binding when I know it should receive the same attention as selecting a border. I like the gray choice even if it does appear in some of the blocks.
Although I can't see the whole quilt, the gray is really pretty, but I'm drawn to the black with stars. However, whatever choice you make will look perfect.
I was so tired yesterday I didn't have the energy to get dressed and go outside. I like the black with the stars, but not seeing the whole quilt could change my mind. I am sure whatever you pick will be just right!
Smart plant to trim the quilt before deciding on binding. It was cold, wet, and dreary here yesterday (although the thermometer read higher than it has been, the wind chill knocked the air feel back down again). Lovely purples in that newest dishcloth.
sounds like your winter is pretty much on schedule. Our temperatures are evening out for the next 10 days to be around 50 daytimes. Hope you can figure out what all colors you need for your binding and backings what you pulled from the stash looks good
I’m partial to the star fabric but agree that seeing the quilt in person would make a difference. The dark might be too much. What do you do with all the dishcloths you knit?
We delivered citrus (Rotary project) from Winthrop Harbor to Lake Forest yesterday -- great weather to do that. And temps moderate so the pick-up-at-home cartons could stay in the car last night....."Bound and determined," or more accurately "bound to be determined"? I like the gray 'pebbles.'
I know you will select the perfect binding for your neutral quilt, and I can see either one you featured today, will work.
Winter is back today ~ the past two days it was like spring again. Winter is having a time settling in yet here in the mountains.
I prefer the black starry fabric, but then I love stars for binding and it's your choice!
If you can believe it, we had a high of 67*F yesterday and what bliss that was. Cold rain this morning and am wondering if we'll get to the forecast high of 61*F. Hope so!
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