Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sorting scraps.............

Since I didn't have anything lined up to sew last night, I decided to sort through my Marcia Derse scraps that were in 3 project boxes.  The box on the left is now all strips of various widths and lengths and the box on the right is scraps large enough to cut 2" finished triangles or larger.  In the plastic bags are small irregular shaped scraps in one, and pieced strips left from previous projects in the other.  Now I'm down to 2 boxes.  I will reserve the empty box for any new MD scraps that I create with the next project.

I had to take another picture of the tree across the street.  It still has green leaves on the interior branches but the outside is brilliant color.  This was taken as the sun was almost set last night.

While I was out there I checked on the yellow coneflower.  One bud is almost ready to fully open.

There are 6 more buds that may or may not open before a hard freeze.  We have above average weather predicted for all but one day for the next 7 days.  It's even warmer at night now than it has been.

Judi, you are a no-reply blogger (your email address is not enabled in your Blogger profile) and you asked about the stitch length for my staystitching on the edge of my quilt tops.  When I turn on my machine it is set for a 2.5 stitch length so that is what I am using.  When piecing I use a 2 stitch length.


Julierose said...

What a beautiful tree--definitely worthy of another picture, Wanda!!
I have separated all my Cathe Holden fabrics into one box [following your lead doing this!] this is the only collection I've bought except for Kaffees...Her little vintage images work really well for my panels...
48 here and cloudy...hopefully we will finally get that much needed rain...hugs, Julierose

Donna said...

I haven't been doing much sewing lately...but I love coming to see all your projects!

Linda said...

Like Donna, I haven't done much sewing, just "piddling", but I enjoy your productivity. The scraps are calling me! That tree is glorious.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that tree! love it I wish I had one as colorful

Donna T said...

Sorting takes time, but it is so worth the effort. And, it gives you a chance to see what you have to work with. That tree looks like it's on fire! Before I retired, there was a beautiful maple tree like this one that greeted me on my way to work.

Nann said...

These very-end-of-season buds are either hopeful or foolhardy! (A message for us?) Happy scrap-sorting!

JJM said...

Nice post today Wanda ~ especially your neighbors tree. It is a huge tree dwarfing the vehicles under it . I can imagine the many piles of leaves that will be raked up.

Mary said...

That tree is magnificient! You should be good to go on your next MD project.

judi said...

Wanda thank you for my answer about staystitching!!!!

Barbara Anne said...

Lucky you to have the view of that glorious tree to enjoy each Autumn!
Into every quilter's life comes some sorting but I think you're likely one of the best organized, Wanda!
I look forward to seeing what comes next.
