Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A little sewing............

I got 3 more postage stamp blocks sewn in one direction but didn't feel like turning on the iron.  My plan is to make one block every other day or a total of 4 one week and 3 the next week so these will fill the quota for this week when I get them finished.
When I measured my drafting table I did an internet search and found out there was a mat that was just one inch shorter in both directions so basically it covers the whole top of the table.

It is similar to a mat that I have had for about 25 years and I hope it holds up as well as that one did.


Lesley Gilbert said...

I love seeing your little squares come together as a block, so started cutting 2" squares from left-over scraps; maybe one day I'll have a go. I recently bought solid fabrics (first time as usually patterned) so I've no excuses. How lucky you found a mat at just the right size for your table; will you still be sewing in another 25 years? haha - happy sewing Wanda :)

The Joyful Quilter said...

Wow! Now, that's a cutting mat!!!

JJM said...

I agree that's one super cutting mat. Happy you found it. Great looking postage stamp blocks and your goal too.


Linda Swanekamp said...

I have a big mat set up on those big plastic tables. I use it for trimming quilts after quilting and for laying out pieced backing.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a great mat to go on that wonderful table!

Mystic Quilter said...

Amazing sized mat!