Monday, June 24, 2024

Little sewing, lots of nature

I have only hand stitched about 3/4 of one long side of the binding so far.  I went to a birthday party for my 2 year old great-grandson yesterday afternoon.  We got over an inch of rain overnight into Sunday morning and the temperature and humidity dropped.  It was pleasant enough to be outside for the party.

The Zinfin Doll Hydrangea blooms are growing slowly.  The rain should help them.  We have more rain predicted for Tuesday so we are hoping for green grass again.

Last year's Geraniums (that I overwintered in the garage) have a lot of new growth so they should fill in soon.

The centers of the red Coneflowers are getting fluffy now.

They are a more vivid red than these photos show.  I love the centers on these.

Even more buds opened on the freebie plant.  I love the combination of colors in the blooms.

I'm hoping these 2 cooler days will give the tomato plants a little relief and we will see more ripening.  This plant has the most tomatoes on it.  Tuesday is supposed to be back in the 90s and some rain but the rest of the week is going to be pleasant and more normal.  So far I have 4 volunteer tomato plants in this bed and maybe a 5th one.  I'll be able to tell in a couple days as it grows.



Julierose said...

Love your little garden "mushroom" decorations;))) Your flowers are looking really pretty...and that tomato plant sure looks healthy!!
71already here at 5 a.m.--we had a bit more rain overnight from quickly passing thunder storms. We hear that everyone to our North really got hammered--tornado watches and all!! Happily those missed us here...
Some weekly chores to get through today before my med test tomorrow...
hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

we need rain and haven't gotten any - maybe Wednesday we will see. It was 85 degrees when I went to bed last night at 10:30 close to 100 today after 95 almost all day yesterday. this heat sure is affecting all of us.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Tis the time of year when the heat and humidity force us indoors as much as possible. Heat index here will be well over 100 all week - UGH. Your flowers are gorgeous so thanks for sharing them.

patty a. said...

That is great you finally got some rain! The flowers are pretty and you have quite a few tomatoes. That binding looks so good!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Oh such great growing plants. Now we are into the intense summer colors which are glorious also. My grandson's birthday was Saturday and we went to celebrate it. I helped my daughter start a flower garden about 4 years ago and it is real super now.

Vicki W said...

Oh, I love your little garden mushrooms!

JJM said...

Enjoyed your post today Wanda~ each photo tells a story of its own. 👌