Sunday, June 30, 2024

It's quilted...............

I quilted this small quilt yesterday after lunch.  I decided on straight lines with the channel locks.

With both light and dark fabrics it was impossible to find a color thread that wouldn't show.  I ended up with a light variegated thread that was already threaded on the machine.  I would have preferred ditch quilting but this is a baby quilt and I didn't want to spend the time basting it and slow quilting on my Pfaff.  I'll put the binding on today for my third finish for the month.

Here is a little nostalgia.  This is a quilt I made in 1961 for my first child, pictured here with one of his cousins.  I made all of my own clothes at that time and my quilts were made with the leftover fabric and scraps.

I'm glad I took this photo a couple days ago because today I saw that some of the first flowers are dying already.  I'll deadhead them today.

This is most of the front garden.  I have one bag of leaf mulch still waiting for me to spread it.  The middle front section is the only one that isn't filling in nicely. 

The two new plants are still looking good.

I picked a few more tomatoes to finish ripening inside.  A couple more days and 3 of them will be in a salad. 



Nancy J said...

Looking back, I also made all our clothes, for myself, 2 daughters, and even Hugh's work shorts and his shirts. One year, I added up the number of buttons I undid to put his shirts in the washing machine. Multiply 6 or 7 by 365 !!! Your garden is looking fabulous, love those variegated leaves.

Julierose said...

What a lovely memory picture!!I made clothes for both my children until they started "not liking" homemade!!'))) I used to love to make my daughter cute dresses...and little cute "bib" shorts for both of them in the summertime out of seersucker fabrics. Fun days....and memories...

71.6 here with a 71.2 DP so it is showery for humid and dark out!!

Your front garden bed is SO beautiful--mine has gotten pretty wild and messy-looking since I have trouble bending to do any serious gardening...
But, it is what it is and so it goes, right? I still have the urge to weed--strangely enough I used to love doing that--felt so good to see the results...

Enjoy your Sunday hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I used to make a lot of my clothes too and for the kids as well. I love seeing one of your first quilts - you have come a very long way with your quilting/color!!

JJM said...

Fun Sunday post Wanda… enjoyed seeing straight line quilting on your baby quilt and photos of your front garden that shows how stunning it is.

Most of us ‘old timers’ that follow your blog seem to have lived in the days where sewing our clothes and children’s was the thing to do. “Living on a shoe string” was part of it also. I even made our children’s ski outfits and winter coats.


Anonymous said...

I'm another one of the people who sewed instead of getting store bought skirts and dresses. I would have had nothing to wear in junior high and high school if I did not sew my own clothes. I would babysit to earn money for fabric. I remember one wool skirt, light blue and jade green plaid that cost $7.49 to make. I would get my fabric at JC Penney or Eastern Woolen Company. I even remember when fabric was 36 inches wide on a bolt.
Every time you have a photo of your Rudbeckia, it is even more amazing.

Mary said...

Your front garden is coming along nicely. Choosing the best thread for quilting is always hard for me.

Barbara Anne said...

Well done in getting the interesting baby quilt quilted and I love its backing fabric!

Lovely garden flowers, too. Isn't it a shame that so many happy and/or beautiful flowers last such a short time?


Linda Swanekamp said...

Lovely little quilt you finished. Great photo from long ago. All the plants look great. My tomatoes are no bigger than a nickel now. It will be a while I guess.

Mystic Quilter said...

A pleasure to see photo of the little ones - also your garden - tasty looking tomatoes.

pbj fiber marietta said...

Wanda, your front garden has really filled in. I love the idea of pavers in there so you can get in and work on things. You really thought that out when you had it put in!
I take a look at your blog every day and enjoy seeing all the progress you make on your quilting endeavors. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself!