Thursday, June 6, 2024

6 more blocks..............

I made 6 more blocks last night with lighter fabrics in one direction.  I plan on making 8 more blocks so I will have to be strategic on color and value choices.

I picked my first tomato of the season yesterday.  This is a 4th of July variety which are usually about golf ball size.  It's mostly orange with a little green but advice from growers on websites say to pick them when they first start turning color because they have gotten all of the nutrients they need from the plant by that time, and also, why share them with the squirrels when all they want is one bite.  I have found that they ripen quicker in the house than when I leave them on the plant.

I cut a volunteer Forsythia bush and several small Redbud trees that were growing outside my crank-out kitchen windows.  I have a little more to cut on the Forsythia and then I may try to dig the roots out.  The branches were getting caught when I tried to close the windows.


patty a. said...

The blocks are looking good! Your first tomato already! That cool! I noticed this morning that one of my pitiful zucchini plants that are still in pots, has a flower on it! I guess I am going to have to get them in the ground this weekend. I wonder if the groundhog that has been hanging around will bother the plants? I am going to put a fence to keep the deer from munching on them, but the fence won't be enough protection to deter a ground hog.

Julierose said...

You are moving along so well on those woven blocks...they are looking so pretty...
Pouring rain this morning, humid, of course, and 64'll have to be a treadmill day for us...
I have a lot of smaller pieces all ready to be trimmed and bound--I am going to be trying to work my way through them this month...hugs, Julierose

Anonymous said...

Everything about your tomato photo is beautiful! —Roxanne

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your tomato is far more advanced than mine which are still very green. A lot of times I pick mine before they are ripe too - I never see any squirrels getting at them but I will see bugs on them.

JJM said...

Nice progress on Jelly Roll Jumble ~ and a home grown tomato already . Looks lost like painting its so perfect.


Nann said...

That's an early tomato! Enjoy the sunshine today.

Barbara Anne said...

This new quilt is growing quickly and the fabrics are a delight!

Lucky you - a fresh tomato so soon!


Linda Swanekamp said...

I can't wait to see my garden after being away grandkid sitting. Going home later today. I will try that with the tomatoes. Love the additional blocks. I brought some sewing, but ripped most of it when I saw how the blocks look together. Have to have a different infusion of fabric values to make it work.