Thursday, June 20, 2024

4 corners.....................

 I start hand sewing the binding a few inches before the first corner so I have 4 corners done before all of the stitching is done.  I have less than 30" to go so I better get the binding picked out for the second quilt today.

This was my garden yield yesterday.  The black raspberries are ripening.  Some were so small because of lack of rain that I left them for the birds.  One tiny Sun Gold cherry tomato and one golf ball size 4th of July tomato aren't quite enough for a salad.

Are you tired of seeing this plant yet?  It only had about 8 blooms the whole summer season last year while it was in a pot.  With lots more buds to open, it gets a little more exciting every day.  I'm wondering if the yellow flower will turn dark orange.

The blooms on the Red Coneflower are a deeper red than they look here.

The closer I got with the camera, the lighter the color looks.  It's really a more intense red but I thought you might like a look at the center of this variety of Coneflower.

It was another 90 degree day yesterday so I was inside other than watering plants and a short session pulling weeds at 7 p.m.  It has been staying in the high 70s overnight so there are new records for the low temperature of the day in Chicago.  6-10 day outlook is more 90s so it will be a record warm June this year.


Julierose said...

Record heat here, too, for June!! I watered (with hose spray) the front garden yesterday morning and will most likely have to do it again today--that sun is so baking hot
It is already 72 at 7 a.m.with 67 DP!!Phew!!
I love those orange flowers--such gorgeous colors on them...
Good idea for sewing binding to get to a corner right away so when you come around it's done already--;)))
Stay cool as possible hugs, Julierose

Nann said...

Cooler today, so far (6:45 a.m.). And overcast with rain in the forecast. I ought to mow this morning. You'll have a finished quilt (or two?) to show us tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I’m not tired of the rudbeckia photos even a little bit! -Roxanne

patty a. said...

That is great that you almost have that binding sewn. The flowers are so pretty! Last night I watered a little and it looked like something ate the leaves on one of my coneflower plants - not all of them, but enough it now looks a bit scraggly.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I wish the red cone-flowers that I had 3 years ago would have lived. I was very surprised to loose all of them as the other varieties of those the purple etc come back every year and seed themselves so well.
I have a lot of tomatoes but none are near ripening.

JJM said...

Hand sewing, hand picking , and grand photos of your cone flowers. I enlarged the flowers and they exploded on my screen. So brilliantly beautiful.

We are coming out of another cold snap it’s maybe going to hit 74 today, I sure hope so….. we’ve been below normal temps for June and you have been way above normal temps for sure.


Mary said...

Following a friend's advice, I've started stitching all the corners on binding first so the hard part is behind me. It helps keep me motivated. Lovely Coneflowers.

Barbara Anne said...

Well done in getting most of the binding sewn on! I do the corners as I go around so I don't have to go back to them.

I look forward to seeing the next binding fabric you choose.

Love the flowers and am not tired to seeing their beauty.


Mystic Quilter said...

So, seven days since I read the post from everyone! I can see you have shared beautiful photos of your garden plants and your first tomato!, always much more delicious than the bought ones and I could just eat a helping of your raspberries, you must have excellent soil at your place. I'm looking forward to seeing a post from you of the bound quilts.