Wednesday, June 5, 2024

10 blocks.................

While I was in the basement tidying up I cut more pieces for this quilt.  I needed to have some lighter blocks to look similar to the selection in the pattern.

Here is the full layout of the blocks.  I'm making my quilt smaller so I won't be following this, just using my own judgement which block goes where.

Back to organizing and cleaning today.



Julierose said...

I love those KF "Milleflore" (sp?) lighter patterns. They make your woven strips really stand out beautifully!!
63 this morning and overcast; waiting for predicted showers...we are off for our monthly lunch date with friends in Mystic today...
I am resting my hands after Kawandi experience...;)))
Hugs, Julierose

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love the progress! I made a very similar quilt called Basket Case (Cluck cluck Sew) years ago with a Kaffe jellyroll. It was picky to sew, but I liked it. It was given as a comfort quilt. Yours will be beautiful as you used something other than solid white for the background.

Mary said...

I need to get serious and do some more organizing, and not just in my studio. The blocks look great.

Nann said...

As long as we can take two steps forward to each step back we'll make progress with that organizing!

Helenchaffin said...

I am luving this quilt !

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like you are getting organized. I started to at the end of winter and then somehow even though I have more empty containers to fill I haven't gotten back to it.

patty a. said...

If you run out of things to organize and clean, you can come to my house!

JJM said...

Your ‘JRJ’ blocks are so ‘fun loving’ ~ I know it’s going to be another quilt to treasure.
Your tidying up will feel so good when everything is back in order again and so inspiring to get back to creating again.


P.S. my sister told me she got 3 1/2” of rain last night ~ we don’t get that much all spring long.