Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Binding progress.................

The binding is hand stitched on one and a half sides now.  I did a little in the afternoon and more in the evening.  

I had a couple errands in the morning and then a repairman came to put a new fill valve on my dishwasher.  It had a slow leak.  When he gave me the quote to fix it I had to decide if I would just get a new one or repair this 18 year old one.  When he told me the problems with the new less expensive models and the price on the higher end models I decided to go with the repair.  It has a 1 year warranty on the part and any leak that might happen.  My refrigerator is 19 years old and the stove is 18 years old.

A lot of the blooms are opening on the red fluffy center Coneflower.  This is so exciting since I just planted it last fall.

The petals are the farthest open on this one.

The freebie plant from last year is starting to bloom.  The plant identifier on my phone just calls it Rudbeckia - Black Eyed Susan.  I'm sure it is in the Rudbeckia family but its leaves are fuzzy and the flowers a little more elaborate than the plain Black Eyed Susan.

This is the Hosta directly behind that plant.  It is sending up flower stalks already.  It got up to 93 yesterday and we haven't had any measurable rain for over a week so I watered the whole front garden.  There won't be any mowing grass for awhile because it is so dry.



Julierose said...

Your Rudbeckia's colors are just so brilliant and pretty!! ;)))

Good for you getting that binding in the works.
70 already here at 7 a.m. with DP of 66!! It'll be a scorcher and they say that
Thursday this week will be the really hottest day!!
Hugs, Stay cool, Julierose

patty a. said...

You are making good progress on that binding. The red coneflower is so pretty!

Nann said...

They don't make appliances like they used to, that's for sure. Glad your dishwasher could be repaired. The coneflower (or coneflower kin) are so pretty. Will we get rain this afternoon?

Mary said...

Home ownership does force some of these decisions on us. I think you probably made the wisest choice, especially since the work came with a warranty.

Helenchaffin said...

I've only been in my present house 4 yrs but all the appliances are close to 30 yrs old ,the oven finally died & it takes 3 days for the fridge ice maker to fill up 🤣 I think they're all waiting to go out with a bang together 🤣

JJM said...

Really good progress on your binding and what pretty blossoms on your plants. Such a treat for you to go out and enjoy your work outside that you continue to keep up with, and share with us too.

We’re still in our cold days with rain. Tomorrow its to turn around with some nice sunny 70 degree weather. It was in the mid 40’s early this morning.


Barbara Anne said...

Well done on your binding progress!! Hot weather makes it an easy decision to spend more time in the air conditioning or the cool of the basement.

Lovely flowers!!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the binding looks really great. That fabric goes with it so well. I'm glad you were able to have the machine repaired at an ok price - the new machines are of course new but old machines seem to work better. We have gradually have had to replace all machines and I have been unhappy with some of them - always supposed to be more efficient or whatever but never last like the old ones did