Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Binding progress and other things...........

I finished the second side of the binding and am halfway done with the third side, no photo, it would just look like the one yesterday.

I had my first Early Girl tomato on my salad yesterday.  I have 2 tiny ones ripening on my windowsill right now.  I hope the others hurry up and start turning color.

The Creeping Bellflowers are starting to bloom.  They are darker purple than they look here.  The camera always wants to make them look pastel.

The Tiger Lilies are 5' tall and now have a few buds starting on them.  They usually bloom around the first or second week in July.

The native Purple Coneflowers have buds but no blooms yet.

I think this plant will look different every day.  It has about 20 more buds to open.

The Black Eyed Susans have buds that should open soon.

Crabgrass grows big and healthy when there is no rain.  There was a nice breeze yesterday but it was still very hot.

I don't need to decide whether to thin out the Zinnias.  Some bugs have eaten them down to skeleton leaves.  I haven't seen any Japanese Beetles but I know they like Zinnias.



Julierose said...

That salad looks so good with the fresh tomato and all!!
72 here at 6:45 with DP of 67!! I am leaving early to do my weekly food
shopping to try to beat the worst of the incoming heat...
Your flowers are really looking good...I haven't planted my pots this year...
back just not in good enough shape...
Hugs, Julierose

gail n said...

the goldfinches are depetaling my zinnias so they can eat the seeds! From, kitchen window I can watch the colored petals fly!! gail n

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I planted zinnia's from seed and they are not doing well at all. My tomatoes have been on track I guess, one plant has 15 tomatoes on it right now but everything is still green but the plants are healthy looking so that is good. I found two growing outside the garden in the flower bed and they look healthy but very small I went ahead and put tomato cages on them - they will be way behind the others if they continue to grow. I did plant one green pepper and it has 7 on it now which is amazing as for some reason my pepper plants usually die for some reason and it is about 2 feet tall and healthy

Nann said...

The salad photo looks like a magazine illustration! Hope the tomato is tasty. In addition to crabgrass I've got bindweed. I pulled out a heap from the front flowerbed this morning. It will come back because, I read, it's one huge underground plant. Wisconsin weather (I get the NPR station in Kenosha on my beside radio) says rain coming from the northwest, bringing cooler temps. But the Chicago Tribune says hot, hot, hot.

patty a. said...

The flowers are so pretty. Darn crabgrass! It looks like it would be hard to get it out from between the pavers. Poor zinnias! Those marigold seeds I planted about a month ago - so far I have only got one tiny plant. I don't understand what is going on there.

JJM said...

I’m sure your salad was as delicious as it looked in your photo.

Always nice to see whats in bloom at your house .


Barbara Anne said...

Lovely tomato, lettuce, and flowers!

Years ago when we had a big garden, it was fenced with rubber 'snakes' treaded through the fencing so the deer stayed away and we could grow lettuce. Now, both DH and I have fatigue issues - his from A-fib and mine from lupus - we cannot garden like we so enjoyed. Sigh!


Helenchaffin said...

It's always nice to be able to benefit from what little we grow ,I've got to get my little garden spots started,your flowers are looking beautiful!