Sunday, June 23, 2024

Another binding choice...............

When I first started looking for a binding fabric I didn't consider the yarn dyed woven stripes because they are lightweight.  Also I didn't think I had enough of any of them for a binding.  I considered using a scrappy binding but decided no and I was ready to cut the dotted purple fabric when I decided to look on the shelf with the stripes.  There was a 2 yard piece that I had forgotten about and it was the perfect colors.

 Here is a better look at it with the backing fabric. It was so perfect I decided to go with it.  I'll take a photo today of my progress on hand stitching the binding.

I planned on getting out for a photo shoot earlier in the day but the next thing I knew it was 8 p.m.  More buds have opened on the Rudbeckia.

I need to take a ruler out wth me and measure the width of these blooms.  They are big compared to my Black Eyed Susan blooms.

And yes, these flowers match my quilt.

When I get a question from a "no reply-comment" I don't always remember to address it the next day.  Jackie asked 2 days ago whether I had a tutorial for the 16 patch quilt and the answer is yes.  Go to my website and click on free resources.  You will find "How to Create a Perfect 16 Patch Quilt".  Click on it for a step by step tutorial that has pressing directions for easy assembly.  

My website is also where my video resides, the one made during my solo show at a gallery in North Carolina in 2012.


Julierose said...

What a lovely find for your binding!! Wonderful when serendipity takes over and you come across a perfect solution!!
67 here, foggy and rainy...the trees have turned a richer green with all the rain we've gotten since yesterday...
hugs, Julierose

Mary said...

That is a great binding choice and hopefully the lighter weight fabric will make it easier to hand stitch without being too ravelly

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that binding is perfect - good thing you kept looking when you knew you were not satisfied.

Nann said...

Making the decision about the binding eliminated about 75% of the chore, didn't it? Good to have the finish! A storm barreled through last night. Our town's summer carnival finale was cancelled (we can see the fireworks from our front stoop, at least the high-flying ones). 1-1/4" per our neighbor's rain gauge.

Penny Gold said...

Thanks for mentioning that your website has a video of the 2012 show of your work. I had never watched it before, and really enjoyed seeing you "in person" and hearing you talk about the various quilt series.

JJM said...

OMG Wanda I was so excited to see the binding you chose it is such perfect finish for a spectacular quilt top ~ And for the backing as well. Enjoyed hearing how you changed your mind till you found it.

Your flowers add a magical ambiance to your post today.


Barbara Anne said...

It always pays to listen to the little voice in your head that gives ideas just in the nick of time if you take notice and follow thru. What a perfect binding fabric you spied when you listened and checked your striped fabrics!

More delightful flowers in your cheerful garden.


Quiltdivajulie said...

What a fabulous choice for binding! And those flower blooms make me so happy.

Patty said...

That binding is perfect! Those orange flowers are gorgeous. There were two rain showers here today - yeah! I have watered this morning before the rain to get everything wet so the rain could soak in easier.