Tuesday, June 25, 2024

2 corners..................

There were errands to run yesterday and checking on everything in the gardens.  I finished the first long side and then got all but 3" stitched on a short side.  I have 2 eight foot bulbs burnt out in my main floor studio so the quilt in this photo is illuminated by an Ottlite.

I ironed some fabrics to prepare for cutting because it was nice and cool in the basement.  I don't have a lot of energy in hot weather so anything I get done is progress, although slower than usual.


Helenchaffin said...

It's coming along beautifully,heat is not my friend either lol it's supposed to get up in the 100's today🔥

Mary said...

The heat is sapping my energy right now too. You are making good progress. Stay cool.

Julierose said...

Great that you were able to stitch some more on the binding!! When it's so hot my energy level plummets, too...
72 here at 8 a.m.--but, a lot less humidity so far...
Med appt late this afternoon to get through...I hate waiting around...ugh
Hugs, Julierose

Quiltdivajulie said...

So hot here, too -- I think the loss of energy is pretty universal when the temps go so high. And you are so right - anything we get done IS progress.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is how I feel - anything is progress when it is this hot

JJM said...

Your hot humid weather has had quite a long run this spring and now into summer. We all agree with you, plus the humidity that goes with the heat is so wicked.

Your progress is always something to be proud of. Heat and our age in this hot steamy weather is a feat in itself to get anything accomplished. Hang in there ~ “this too will pass”.


patty a. said...

It's cooler here this week in NE Ohio - 83 is our forecasted high today - and it looks like rain is a possibility. Next time family comes to visit you will have to have them put new bulbs in your light for you. The binding is looking great. I think the heat sucks the life out of everyone.

mb-RI said...

You're stripe binding looks lovely! Nice choice!

Barbara Anne said...

Excellent progress on attaching this perfect binding. Enjoy that cool basement!


Agile Jack said...

That stripe is a really good choice for the binding!
