Sunday, November 15, 2020

The day after...........


Since my birthday fell on a Saturday this year I think I need to consider today a continuation of my celebration.  Here is my second birthday bouquet, from grandchildren.  How heavenly to have flowers in 2 different rooms at the same time.

I took a photo of my cake with my cellphone before it was cut but forgot to get one with my regular camera until after sampling.  I shared with my family after my drive by parade of friends and family.  What a fun day!

The whole neighborhood knew I was having a birthday.

A few friends thought I needed some more chocolate....because we know we can never have too much chocolate.

Thank you to all of you who wished me a happy birthday yesterday.  I loved reading all of the comments, loved every one of them!


Kerry said...

I love it when a birthday goes on and on with more surprises! Super photos and thank you for sharing your birthday with us. xxx

Lesley Gilbert said...

Another beautiful bouquet for a beautiful lady. It shows how much you are loved and cared for by your family. You look so happy standing with your large declaration, and that's the most I've seen of your house in one photo. Your cake looks delicious as I also prefer white sponge myself. I smiled when I zoomed in and saw the creator only just managed to get your name on it hehe.

Joyce said...

Happy Birthday Week! I’m with you - my upcoming is #70 and will be a celebration! Our quilting will keep us going.

The Inside Stori said...

How wonderful Wanda……wishing you many, many more birthday celebrations!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

lovely cake and chocolates - as I love dark chocolates too - now I will need to look for the dark chocolate M & M's I didn't know they had them !

Roxanne said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda! Sounds like a grand celebration for a grand lady!

Ann Pierson said...

I must have been asleep yesterday to miss your BIRTHDAY! I'm always amazed at your energy and determination! You are such a blessing to everyone who follows you!!! God Bless you Wanda and Happy Belated Birthday!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I am so glad you celebrated!! There is far too much gloom and doom this past months and I love to see happy times. Happy Birthday again!

Julierose said...

Happy to hear you are having a wonderful birthday weekend;)))
[We always think it should be stretched to a birthday
week-long celebration hahaha] Beautiful 2nd bouquet...those lilies are just gorgeous...lilies are some of my favorite flowers...
Happy continuing birthday hugs, Julierose

Gene Black said...

Very nice for your birthday. I am a bit jealous of all that lovely DARK chocolate. It is my favorite.

DianeN said...

I think you should continue celebrating all week long. You mean so much to all of us, Wanda.

piecefulwendy said...

Wonderful! I hope your birthday lasts all week and through the year!

Sylvia Anderson said...

Good morning on the day after Wanda. From the look of it, you had a very enjoyable milestone birthday, and you look so happy standing by the sign declaring it to the world, as you should.
I spotted some Ghiradelli chocolate in your birthday stash of goodies and I'm sure you will really enjoy it, yummmmmmm! I had a lawn sign for my dad when he turned 100, and have a picture of him standing by it hanging in the house where I see it every day. You are a special lady Wanda, and I'm so happy you are still celebrating your special day. Hugs

momto1 said...

Belated happy birthday, but frankly, I think you should celebrate all month. Mine was Friday, and that's my intention! Enjoy the month, and take every opportunity to celebrate that comes your way!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I'm late to the party. Happy birthday, Wanda!!!

Christine said...

And, another Happy Birthday, young lady! Always see the sunshine and celebrate.

Shelina said...

Happy birthday, Wanda! How wonderful that you were able to celebrate with flowers, cake, and even a parade. It's not every day that someone gets a parade!

Hannah said...

Happy belated birthday! Enjoy the chocolate!

Bonnie H said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda !! Chocolate is the perfect present !! Enjoy !

Gail said...

You're probably the only person I "know" who celebrates birthdays like me. I'm proud of my age and think it's important to let younger people know that at x age you can still be healthy and active. I never understood people who lie about their age or refuse to say how old they are. So happy birthday Internet friend. You look fantastic.

Sue said...

I guess I'm late to the party.
Happy Birthday Wanda!!!
May this will be a great year for you. You deserve many more!

Beth said...

Exactly what a birthday should be - something extra special. Happy, Happy Birthday.
I so enjoy your blog and all that you share.

Here is to many more :)

Michele said...

Happy, happy 80th Birthdat, Wanda. Such beautiful flowers! And cake! And banner! Whoopie!

Quiltdivajulie said...

OH! A drive by parade - how much fun!! I'm so glad that so many have helped make your birthday (week, weekend, etc.) so special. Many hugs, my friend.

BatikFanatic said...

I agree with the "why not keep the party going all week?" suggestions, since there are plenty of good reasons to celebrate. The flowers are beautiful, and I'm glad you have enough chocolate to last you until... Thanksgiving??

Tami Von Zalez said...

Happy belated Wanda. I am so glad you blog and post regularly. AND you are one of the few people to comment on my blog. I wish you all the best and many more posts in the future.

Lorie Kunstmann said...

Happy Birthday, Wanda! You inspire so many. You deserve all the cake, chocolate and flowers! Enjoy. Thanks for sharing your world with us.

Patricia said...

happy 2nd birthday. sorry i missed yesterday. the parade by the house sounds wonderful and i'm sure the flowers smell great. here's to the next ten years to enjoy great health, friendship and creativity. patti in florida

Jean said...

Keep the party going! Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing this exciting part of your world with all of us. Here's to you and wishing you many more years of creating beauty and inspiring all of us.

JJM said...

88 birthday wishes yesterday and more today ! Your bouquet from grandchildren, birthday cake, and chocolates ... Drive by parade of friends too... It just doesn't get any better than that !

LOVED your photo with birthday banner, since we haven't seen each other in a few years it was a treat to see you again. And must say, you don't even look close to 80 .


Cindy said...

Happy Birthday Wanda!!!!! Sounds like you had a most special day! I say keep on celebrating as long as you like!!!!!

Nancy said...

I'm late to the party, but since you are celebrating all week please accept my happy birthday greetings. You are so admirably prolific at quilting and creating. Continued good health and creative days to you!