Monday, November 24, 2008

Done quilting, ready for binding

I finished quilting this quilt last night and finally found a print I like for binding. Click for a larger view. Notice the Kaffe fabric for the back too, from one of those 55% off sales of his older fabrics. Click here for a full view of this quilt. My goal is to have the binding done by the time I have the Thanksgiving dinner here on Friday. I have a lot of cleaning to do (don't we all?) before company comes so the sewing machine may get lonely.


Cathi said...

I love this quilt -- the colours, the richness and the sheer joy it seems to radiate!

The Calico Cat said...

We cleaned (nested) all weekend...

We filled up our trashroom...

Should have started sooner & Should have done it before we had such a grand excuse.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I truly admire what you have done with that glorious fabric ~ too exuberant? Never!

Enjoy the binding process ~ it's a BEAUTIFUL quilt!

Shelina said...

Yep, we're having Thanksgiving here, so I have been cleaning like a madwoman. You would think the house doesn't get cleaned except for company! I'm glad you can get some sewing time in. I am hoping to sneak in some as well.

Joyce said...

What a gorgeous quilt. I love the intense colors. I am so thankful that we have Thanksgiving in Oct here in Canada. Hmm..that pun was accidental.

Anonymous said...

When my children would see me cleaning they'd ask "Who's coming over?". They knew the BIG cleaning was for special events only!
Love your quilt! Maybe I'll get to see it in person in Dec. Did the group set a date when you were at Diane's?

Tine said...

It is glorious! I love it, the backing too :)
55% off kaffe?! That sounds too good to be true :D

meggie said...

Wonderfully joyous in it's rich colours.

Elsie Montgomery said...

What a grand quilt, exuberant and joyful. Good to see that you are finishing it, and again, you motivate me!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see this one on your "my current favorite" spot. It is Glorious with color. I went back for full view and it just makes me smile. Perfect back.


Unknown said...

It is beautiful! Enjoy the holiday!

hetty said...

Beautiful quilt! I love it! You certainly have a flair for colour!

jovaliquilts said...

Great backing, and on sale no less! I love the colors. :)

Sharon said...

What a beautiful, happy quilt! You've got a winner in that one. That should brighten up your winter!
Don't work too hard at the housework - it'll all need to be done again soon anyway.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Diane said...

Wanda, I remember what an integral role that Thanksgiving turkey played in the design of your new litchen. Don't work too hard on the holiday preparations. Enjoy your family's visit.