Happy Thanksgiving
I got the binding sewn on the quilt and have one side and just around the corner hand sewn.
I really like this binding fabric with both sides of the quilt.
Thanks for all of the good wishes for my dad. He is feeling better. They put a balloon in his nose in the ER to stop the bleeding and his Dr. gave him a prescription for an antibiotic. The ER Dr. doesn't think cauterizing is going to work this time for repair. We see a specialist Friday afternoon at 1 who will take out the balloon and analyze the situation. Then Thanksgiving dinner is at 5 the same day at my house. I have all day today to finalize cleaning, set the tables, and bake the desserts. I will have the morning Friday to make the salads, peel the potatoes and prepare the turkey. Then I will stick the bird in the oven and leave to pick up Dad. Lets hope it all goes well.
The quilt is gorgeous! I am reminded why it is I am collecting Kaffe Fassett fabrics for a quilt :)
You sure have some busy days ahead. I hope it all goes well, and wish you a very happy Thanksgiving :)
Hi Wanda,
Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like your day is organized and busy preparing for your dinner tomorrow.
Hope your dad does OK with the appointment on Friday.
That binding is perfect for that quilt (of course). Are the fabrics 100% Kaffe?
Vicky F
Vicky F, The quilt is more than 90% Kaffe with a few Phil Jacobs fabrics too. So it is all Westminster/Rowan fabrics.
I love all the Kaffee Fassett fabrics in that quilt. Great job!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hope everything goes well with your Dad.
And of course, that you will actually enjoy your Thanksgiving festivities on Friday!!!!
Such a nice quilt -- I like the binding, too. Hope they take care of your dad's nose problem tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wanda, it's a lovely quilt. Good luck at the Dr's tomorrow ~ I'll be thinking of you.
Tis the day to be THANKFUL~
I want you to know how thankful I am to be your friend. For your TALENT that you share with thousands on your daily blog. GIVING all year round showing us projects that you give to church and community. Thank you for being you. You are the "Grand Marshall" for my parade.
Do hope all eases up for your Dad, your dinner goes well, and of course the binding on quilt is perfect! It is my current favorite.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I guess I missed part of a post, because I didn't know about your Dad. I hope all goes well there.
Peace to you.
Yes, that is a wonderful binding choice you made!
Best wishes for the cleaning & preparation process ~ not to mention the doctor visit.
Take care!
I love that quilt! The colours are to die for! The binding is perfect. Hope all goes well for your Dad and that you will not be too tired to enjoy the Thanksgiving celebrations tomorrow evening.
Hope your Dad is fine. Happy Thanksgiving.
That is a fabulous quilt!! I love it. It's definite eye candy.
Hope your Dad does okay and that you have a great Thanksgiving.
I'm THANKFUL for our friendship, Wanda.
I hope your Dad is doing well. My good wishes to you and your family.
I love Kaffe Fassett fabrics, and can't wait to se this quilt finished!
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