The lilac bush leaves turned a beautiful rusty burgundy and gold this year.Even the plants in the one flower garden had great contrast in color.
The burning bush finally changed color. A lot of others in town had turned and then dropped their leaves before mine got a good start. I guess there must be a lot of varieties of them.
Actually this is 2 burning bushes planted fairly close to each other.
I am a slow hand sewer so I only got one side of the binding all done and about 1/4 of the way into the next side while I watched TV last night. I am happy with my binding choice. I was asked whether I have a favorite variegated machine quilting thread, and I would have to say no at this point. I have several different brands but I am usually going for the best color match, whichever brand it happens to be.
Machine quilting is not an easy task. I have had people tell me I took the easy way out machine quilting. I remind them that it is faster than hand quilting, but not necessarily easier. I have to pace myself and do no more than 4 hours of it a day, spread out into several sessions. It is hard on the shoulders even if I am sitting very close to the cabinet. The arthritis in my thumbs starts bothering me too if I spend too much time at it. You have to be dedicated to finishing your projects to put up with the discomforts. And then there are the expectations of what the quilting should look like, how big the stitches should be, etc. When you get past all of that, you just do it, and learn to accept your capabilities and always try to be better on the next one.
Quilting is a metaphor for life, I guess -- some things simply have to be dealt with as they are, and you keep trying to be both accepting and always improving.
I agree, machine quilting is not easy. Hand quilting is meditative and relaxing (unless you're under a deadline, I suppose), while machine quilting is nerve-wracking. You can make a mistake so fast, then it takes forever to unpick the bad stitches. Yikes.
When people make comments like "taking the easy way out", you know they just don't know what they are talking about! Vicky F
I agree with Vivky- that binding is perfect. I just love this quilt.
And, anyone who says quilting by machine is the "easy way out" has never done it, and they must not produce much work because hand quilting takes WAAAYYYYYY too long. I have too many ideas in my brain that are fighting to be made to spend the time hand quilting on most pieces. I do occasionally hand quilt smaller pieces but only if the quilt demands it....
The fabric for the binding on that quilt is the perfect choice, imo. As to the "easy way out" I wish people would think before they speak. I'd love to be able to machine quilt more but don't have the set-up for it or the strength in my hands to do much other than straight lines. Those burning bushes are incredible -- the colour is stunning!
The positioning of the quilt photo below the flaming bush is spectacular...
I admire (SO MUCH) your machine quilting work... I have so much trouble with shoulder/neck pain when I work for very long at machine quilting (piecing is different)... it is NOT easy (phooey on those who scoff at the effort it takes).
I was blown away the first time I saw a burning bush -- my inlaws are all in Madison -- so it must be wonderful to have one in your garden! Great binding, too!
I love to see binding done well. Yours is perfect including the miters. I've seen so many wonderful quilts fall down on the bindings. Some quilts are just better machine quilted. Machine quilting can add a hard graphic edge, texture that can't be achieved with hand quilting or a secondary pattern that just can't be achieved with hand quilting. Your machine quilting on this quilt has added soft curvey lines which compliment the strong graphic lines of the quilt. It all is so perfect both design and technique wise. K
Oh so true about machine quilting. Comparing the two is almost an apples/oranges thing. Both are quilting but... there was an article in a magazine recently that suggested they not be judged in the same categories. I'm not a contest entering person, but it makes sense.
Wanda, your photos and that wonderful binding choice get a first-place ribbon from me too!
Burning bushes are absolutely breath taking... I have not seen one that brillant in a very long time.
I want to tell you when I was judging quilts years ago. The blue ribbon went to a machine quilted quilt. (just when machine quilting got started in the late 70's) It was so outstanding that the hand quilted ones took back seat. The local quilt guild was really miffed at our choice for the blue ribbon that year. Today it is rare to see a hand quilted quilt at the shows. Most are done with the BIG MACHINES. And a few done on regular straight stitch like you are doing Wanda. Your machine quilting is Blue Ribbon Suberb !
The binding looks perfect. You have a lot more leaves left than we do. Even quilting with a machine like I have is not easy. There is a huge learning curve. I am only at the beginning.
You are going to show the whole quilt when you are finished aren't you? Or did I miss it?
I have an exuberantly colored quilt up just now which I finished, well the top anyway. I plan on machine quilting it when I finally get my daughter's done.
That binding is perfect. I have always wondered if there is a bit of microclimate involved in when a burning bush turns. I have 2 and the one out in the open turns before the one that is tucked in under the trees.
I sure wish I lived close to you so that I could just watch you and learn from you all day. Wonderful binding and quilting and choice in colors and...well, just everything.
Quilting is a metaphor for life, I guess -- some things simply have to be dealt with as they are, and you keep trying to be both accepting and always improving.
Outstanding choice for binding.
I agree, machine quilting is not easy. Hand quilting is meditative and relaxing (unless you're under a deadline, I suppose), while machine quilting is nerve-wracking. You can make a mistake so fast, then it takes forever to unpick the bad stitches. Yikes.
When people make comments like "taking the easy way out", you know they just don't know what they are talking about!
Vicky F
I agree with Vivky- that binding is perfect. I just love this quilt.
And, anyone who says quilting by machine is the "easy way out" has never done it, and they must not produce much work because hand quilting takes WAAAYYYYYY too long. I have too many ideas in my brain that are fighting to be made to spend the time hand quilting on most pieces. I do occasionally hand quilt smaller pieces but only if the quilt demands it....
The fabric for the binding on that quilt is the perfect choice, imo. As to the "easy way out" I wish people would think before they speak. I'd love to be able to machine quilt more but don't have the set-up for it or the strength in my hands to do much other than straight lines.
Those burning bushes are incredible -- the colour is stunning!
The positioning of the quilt photo below the flaming bush is spectacular...
I admire (SO MUCH) your machine quilting work... I have so much trouble with shoulder/neck pain when I work for very long at machine quilting (piecing is different)... it is NOT easy (phooey on those who scoff at the effort it takes).
Beautiful work, Wanda ...
I was blown away the first time I saw a burning bush -- my inlaws are all in Madison -- so it must be wonderful to have one in your garden! Great binding, too!
I love to see binding done well.
Yours is perfect including the miters. I've seen so many wonderful quilts fall down on the bindings.
Some quilts are just better machine quilted. Machine quilting can add a hard graphic edge, texture that can't be achieved with hand quilting or a secondary pattern that just can't be achieved with hand quilting.
Your machine quilting on this quilt has added soft curvey lines which compliment the strong graphic lines of the quilt.
It all is so perfect both design and technique wise.
Oh so true about machine quilting. Comparing the two is almost an apples/oranges thing. Both are quilting but... there was an article in a magazine recently that suggested they not be judged in the same categories. I'm not a contest entering person, but it makes sense.
Wanda, your photos and that wonderful binding choice get a first-place ribbon from me too!
Burning bushes are absolutely breath taking... I have not seen one that brillant in a very long time.
I want to tell you when I was judging quilts years ago. The blue ribbon went to a machine quilted quilt. (just when machine quilting got started in the late 70's) It was so outstanding that the hand quilted ones took back seat. The local quilt guild was really miffed at our choice for the blue ribbon that year. Today it is rare to see a hand quilted quilt at the shows. Most are done with the BIG MACHINES. And a few done on regular straight stitch like you are doing Wanda. Your machine quilting is Blue Ribbon Suberb !
The binding looks perfect. You have a lot more leaves left than we do.
Even quilting with a machine like I have is not easy. There is a huge learning curve. I am only at the beginning.
You are going to show the whole quilt when you are finished aren't you? Or did I miss it?
I have an exuberantly colored quilt up just now which I finished, well the top anyway. I plan on machine quilting it when I finally get my daughter's done.
That binding is perfect. I have always wondered if there is a bit of microclimate involved in when a burning bush turns. I have 2 and the one out in the open turns before the one that is tucked in under the trees.
I think anyone who would say that machine quilting is the 'easy way out' has never tried it!
That is looking so great- as usual!
Great choice for the binding!
I sure wish I lived close to you so that I could just watch you and learn from you all day. Wonderful binding and quilting and choice in colors and...well, just everything.
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