A good visit
Yesterday a couple other friends and I visited Diane from the Persnickety blog. We used to all work together at a quilt shop in the area. We had a wonderful day catching up on each other's lives and looking at fabric and quilts. I had to rush home to pick up my parents for a chiropractor appointment after stopping at the quilt shop in the vicinity. It was my dad's 95th birthday yesterday so he picked the restaurant to eat at after the appointment. It is impossible to find anything to buy him for his birthday so I got him a hot fudge sundae which he enjoyed immensely.Here are my purchases: a package of Thangles that my local quilt shop didn't have and part of a yard of a neat purple batik.
Here are the backs of the journal covers from yesterday. To answer a few questions about them, I buy little notebooks at several different stores, always trying to find the perfect one. Then I measure them and custom make the covers to fit them. There is a flap inside both ends that the covers fit into. I can't take a picture and show you because I sold all of these yesterday to a friend who requested some from me. I'll be making more in a couple days so I'll take more shots then.
Today is another busy day with an embroidery club meeting this afternoon and computer club tonight. I have to make a couple gifts to take to a birthday lunch tomorrow, so the day is filled.
Those journal covers are just so gorgeous. Love the one with the orange vertical strip!
The purple batik is yummy. Wonder what you're about to make with that.
Gorgeous purple batik! Wow!
I'm getting to try a new quilt shop later today (in Peoria, where I have to take my daughter) and I'm trying to figure out what to get that I might not find here. I may get nothing, just always fun to browse a new shop.
spending time with him is, I'm sure, the best gift you can give him. My dad would love that, I think I'll take just him to lunch for him birthday this year, thank you.
Thanks for your personal note on Journal PAGES vs Journal COVERS. I must admit I was confused and thought both were one in the same.
The purple batik fabric is a deep rich fabric. Great purchase.
I love making journal covers. Ihave made several for a show I will be doing Dec. 6th. I am having a difficult time trying to figure out the price to put on them.
I have one question: Do you put a lining to "cover" the back side of the seamed pieces? The way I do them has a lining.
That purple batik is just gorgeous! But then I never met a batik I didn't like.
LOL to Joyce, I dont think I have ever met one I disliked either!
Journal covers are just lovely. No wonder you sold them all.
Love your fabric, sounds like you had a fun day!
I love your journal covers! And that purple batik is very lush. That'll be fun to work with! Looking forward to seeing how you make the journal covers. You're always so educational! (and that's a Good Thing!)
Happy Birthday to your Dad! It is almost impossible to find presents for Dads.... I never know what to get my Dad either, I think a sundae was a wonderful idea :)
Thangles...are they as easy to work with as they claim to be? I have been looking for them here in Denmark, but I don't think I can get them here :( Thank goodness for the internet!!
Happy birthday to your Father! I hope someone treats me to a sundae if/when I reach 95.
hi wanda.......i just discovered your blog and i must say i LOVE IT !!...it's WILD with color and GREAT designs.....so out "of the box".....i'm so inspired!! Thank you for sharing!!
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