Wednesday, December 18, 2024

More sweets..............

I started  the day by baking the English Toffee Squares.  A few family members like nuts on them and the rest prefer them without.  I am in the without group. Look! I took the picture before I started eating them.

Late in the afternoon I baked the shortbread cookies, a favorite with the grandchildren.

Now it is time to start making the Chex Mix.

Four corners are done but I have about 30" more to hand stitch.  I had 3 sessions of hand stitching between baking and vacuuming.

They are predicting light snow twice this week but no white Christmas.


Donna said...

My goodness you've been busy! Everything looks wonderful!

Libby in TN said...

That toffee ... ! I'm in the nuts family.

Linda said...

Your goodies look wonderful. I would just sit at your table and sample!
I am buying a new fancy candy thermometer for my husband for Christmas. The first thing we will make is fudge, then I want to make him some toffee. The one I made last year was delicious, but I spread it too thin, and it was just slightly chewy, so I need to tweak my recipe.

Julierose said...

Your candy looks super--you've been so busy, not so much!! I hope to make my fudge this will be picking up last minute items..
31 this morning here and sunny...hugs, Julierose...

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

Xmas season takes away from sewing time but it makes a nice break to do something different

Nann said...

Toffee squares were among the treats at the holiday gathering I attended yesterday. (So was Chex Mix.) I indulged.