I went through the finished quilt top collages and found the sold and still unfinished totals. Click on any photo to enlarge it.

2015 quilt tops - 8 sold, 1 still unfinished
2016 quilt tops - 4 sold, 3 still unfinished
2017 quilt tops - 7 sold, 3 still unfinished
2018 quilt tops - 6 sold, 5 still unfinished
2019 quilt tops - 4 sold, 6 still unfinished
6 years, 112 quilt tops completed, 35 sold, 23 still unfinished. Some quilt tops were finished into quilts the same year they were made and never got recorded as quilt tops. They were included in the finished quilts collages shown yesterday.
This is some incredible array of quilts. All different, super colors, and gorgeous. It makes you really take pause to think you have consistently been working this hard.
112 is a big number just in tops! Your production over the years is amazing!
What another treat viewing all these beautiful quilts. I have looked 3 times at each one and know I’ll be back!!! Thank you Wanda.
Looking back like this with the collaged photos is such fun. You are such a motivator!
Wow - so many beauties! I feel like such a slacker, until I remind myself it's not a race. It's not, right? How many of these quilts and tops are still in your possession? I know besides selling some, you also give some away to family.
I love seeing all the quilts that you have posted yesterday and today - so many bright colored quilts in one place is so nice to see. By the way your signature block was received thanks - it is amazing that it took 4 days or so from the relatively short distance that we live)
Love, love, LOVE seeing all these together! Really a day-brightener to feast on the color and pattern array. This is delightful, Wanda!
What a joy to see your quilts collaged together like this. Thanks.
Wanda, the past two days have been absolutely amazing as YOU are also. Designing and stitching each and everyone shows your exuberant life of quilt making. Thanks for sharing all, it's been pure pleasure looking at each and everyone.
While they are all lovely, the red one from 2018 still stands out in my memory. I am drawn to the depth of color.
I'm so thrilled to be the owner of two of these tops. I hope to have them custom quilted soon. It's a great body of work Wanda and inspires me.
An amazing accomplishment Wanda, all such stunning quilts! Congratulations!
I can’t believe you have unfinished ones. I always thought you were finishing each one as they were showcased. You’ve been holding out on us! *grins*
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