Found software
When I got my current computer in 2003 I didn't load the foundation piecing software. I guess that means that the little printed triangle squares that I had were printed over 5 years ago. The hunt was on yesterday for the software. I finally found it in the container with my machine embroidery designs. The package says you have to have Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 so I guess that tells you how old it is (1997).
Luckily it still works with XP so I loaded it and printed the copies I needed.
While digging thought the foundation piecing patterns and etc. I found this block that I pieced at least 10 years ago. Maybe I should make it into something this year.
Thank you for all of the concern for my parents and the icy weather yesterday. At the chiropractor office the handicap sidewalk entrance is on the driver's side of the handicapped parking space. Since my parents are the passengers they have 2 options: walk around the back of the car to get to the ramp or try to step up a big step onto the curb. We chose the curb over a large patch of ice behind the car. This is hard for them because their balance is not great (they both use canes and hang on to each other) so I have to help them up. Then at McDonald's afterward, we parked in the handicap parking space and the sidewalk from that space is not shoveled about half of the distance to the door. My question is: why have a handicap parking space if you aren't going to keep the area around it clear enough to walk on. I mentioned it to the clerk at McDonald's but no one took care of it while we were in there eating. Rant done.
oh wow....i LOVE the little bird block...i think you should do some more......or send it to me..(LOL) looks like the little quails that gather in my back yard everyday....that looks like a great program you have there too..for the paper piecing...wouldn't mind having one of you blog....have been lurking for a short time now....
People in general want to be thoughtful toward those with disabilities, but rarely are they able to comprehend how very little it takes to make a tripping hazard. Those of us who aren't handicapped rarely think it all through either, until we find ourselves caring for a loved one with mobility issues. It's just a lack of knowledge. Believe me, I understand. Caring for my husband has taught me compassion...and I am able to look ahead and see pitfalls.
LOVE the little block. Can't wait to see what you do with it.
A Partridge in a pear tree! I am very impressed by how many pieces are put together for this block. I have been following your blog for a little while and love the strip piecing! I tend to be a little more conceptual than organized when it comes to quilting, so I was very pleasently surprised when I stumbled across your blog. Your quilts are beautiful and colorful!
I like that little bird too. Was the pattern in Foundation Factory?
Good for you saying something to the people in the restaurant. They may do something later, but if not, you did your part. I remember taking my folks places in winter and needing to allow twice the time that it would take me to go by myself. How precious they are as they struggle to keep upright. I don't know your folks but as I think of them, and mine, I have to say, "God, bless Wanda!"
I have that same software and love it. Yes, I have XP too and it works well. I am sorry to hear about your handicap access perils. You were so right in mentioning this to the management. Shame on them for not cleaning it up!
The sad truth about handicap parking is that you are required by law to have the spots, BUT you are not required to maintain them for weather.
I have never seen or heard of the "Foundation Factory" software. That is pretty cool.
oh, now I am disappointed! I looked it up and it is not to DESIGN blocks, but only to print those that are already in the software.
I guess I will just stay happy with my EQ5 software and design rotary blocks there.
Oh, I love that little partridge in the pears block! I can understand your frustration about the handicapped spaces! Since I have been in a wheelchair, I have encountered all kinds of obstacles! Good for you for mentioning it to the staff at McDonals. If everyone becomes proactive, maybe things will change!
Beautiful little block! Can't wait to see what you do with it.
My daughter (18 this year) is in a wheelchair, and over the years we have dealt with all the fun little things that get in the way.
Do you have a senior advisory board in your town? Or an advicacy place? Maybe a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? We have had to to fight for a lot of things for the past few years. I can truely say things are better now then they used to be, but sometimes you just have to bring it to someones attention. I'm glad you spoke up. Many good thoughts for you and your parents.
Is it a partridge with a few pears? It is definitely a must to finish. How big is it?
I too wondered if it is a Partridge with pears. It is a lovely block, definitely deserves a finish!
I have been advised not to go to a chiropractor, as I have oseoporosis. Your mother is lucky she can go, as I found I got immense relief when I went.
Love the block you found. It will make something wonderful.
What a wonderful find ! Bird and pears are just waiting to be finished. Now that you have posted it you must finish it for us. Your daily posts are my treat for the day.
I AGREE with you on handicapped parking. And the disrespect they show for our handicapped, with all that ice and snow. What has happened to common sense anymore ? Your stories with caring for your parents bring back strong memories. And I can totally understand what it takes.
Could you back in to the space at the chiroprator's office? Not sure I'm picturing it right, but I do back in to my aunt's drive, so that if there is ice on the passenger side, she can get in the less slippery "driver's" side.
It is true that unless you've been handicapped or helped them you really don't have a clue how hard it is. Nothing is really tailored to the elderly! and oh, if we're lucky we're all going to get there!!!
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