On again..........
I was watching the weather report on TV when the power went out last night. I think it was off about 6 hours. Luckily my bedside clock comes back on with the correct time. I got 5 blocks sewn yesterday morning and cut 5 more last night and started sewing them.
I changed the wallhanging in my reading/knitting corner. This other one (scroll down to second quilt) hung there for 18 months. I decided I wanted something brighter for summer.
Glad the electricity is back, Wanda! I mostly don't like purple, but the walls in your corner are beautiful. And, together with the quilt, the scene is breathtaking! I like the combo much better than with the quilt that was there before.
Glad your power is back on, Wanda. Ah, the H-block quilt. You know I love that one! I'm make the binding for mine now.
Those storms were something else! I never lost power. At least at night you don't miss the power as much since your asleep! The H quilt looks great!
That is a lovely bright quilt. Do you show it "face on" anywhere else? I'd love to be able to focus in on the blocks.
Oh, what a happy change in your reading area - that quilt looks SO good there!
I do like that brighter quilt in that corner. I would need that one there in the winter to keep my mood "up" if I lived were there were so much snow.
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Love your new quilt hanging against that luscious purple. Yum!
Just makes me want to come right over for tea! Lavender is my favorite color-so soothing. The quilt is beautiful on that background. is it the same one that the banner on your blog is taken from?
What a beautiful spot! The color on the walls really makes this a soft focus and allows the quilt to pop. I really like this quilt. Is it the quilt on your blog header? Hope the weather behaves for you today.
very pretty wall quilt - so bright I love it.
Previous comment from me - oh boy, another computer tablet issue.
Mary (mb-RI)
I love your bright coloured quilt for the summer, another one for my Ooh! I want to make one like that list. I too would love to see the summer quilt face on and also wonder what you hang your quilts on? Curtain rods?
Yes, that's definitely brighter! And it looks great against the lavender walls. It's a nice combination that I could use more. Thanks for the inspiration!
This one says WOW Wanda ~ what fun to change your quilts around. Gives a whole new redecorated feeling doesn't it ? I loved the quilt that hung there for 18 months also. You have so many choices to hang there it will be fun to watch which one gets the next honor.
Have you ever counted every single quilt you have made ? I know it would be in the 100's.
I love this Star and H-Quilt. And the paint on your walls.
Wow, that one almost glows off that wall.
The H quilt looks fabulous on the wall. It makes such a nice reading area.
I did a little searching and found a closeup under "kaffe" quilts....love it!
Lovely change for the brighter days, suits the season so well, a mission to hang it there, did anyone help on the ladder work? Power on again, how did the ladies manage all those years ago with candles or lamps? Cheers, Jean.
The wall hanging is a winner….very cheerful. The new blocks are fun too! Just returned from your neck of the woods.
We were in Indiana to help with planting then the hubby hurt his back ….we headed back home for him to get to his chiropractor.
This is funny - i was skimming the other comments and kept reading about purple, so I would go back to the pic of your quilt, each time more puzzled because it just didn't read at all purple to me! It looked more red/orange to me. I must've done this at least four or five times before I realized that the walls were purple! Amazing - and scary - how my eyes managed to focus just on the one thing I thought I was supposed to see!
That is bright and colorful!
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