vertical final layout. What I learned from this quilt was that I needed at least another 40 blocks to achieve what I thought I was designing. That means going to a smaller block. These are 9" blocks (72" x 90") so 7.5" blocks would work and would make a 75" x 90" with 120 blocks. I need an even number of rows each direction like I have done here so that when 4 dark corners of the blocks come together it is repeated at the opposite edge. I have spent 2 weeks on this project at this point. I'm not sure when I'll start sewing it together. I did a lot of outside work yesterday and probably will be out again today.
Looks fantastic. I really like the way it turned out. Chris
Beautiful!! Your eye for color is amazing and the "little" changes you made really do make a difference and were not hard to pick out :)
Absolutely stunning. Colors are just lit up.
it looks great. it has been too wet here the last couple days to do any outside work - I will be glad for it to dry out a little bit.
This quilt positively scintillates. Brava!
Perfect Wanda - just perfect. I love it to bits.
I must rummage through my batiks and play....
Looking forward to seeing what you move onto.
I see your point about the block size and number of blocks but I still like this one a lot!
I see what you mean about the secondary design. I love it.
It is just gorgeous, Wanda! Very inspiring. :D
Ohmigosh, I foresee a change to the "my current favorite" photo! This quilt is simply stunning!
It is stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful Wanda!! I missed this QAL but I'm going to take part now as I love HSTs too!
It's beautiful!
It's beautiful, Wanda! A piece of art.
It's absolutely fantastic. It just glows! Must be incredible to see in person.
It is amazing that the blocks are all made out of triangles. Those batiks just shine. It is so interesting to see the shifts in color when you rearrange them!! Happy Sunday---hope your garden is growing pretty flowers.
Looks beautiful and a good size. Love the way the darker blocks are falling around the outer edge.
It is gorgeous, and your patience amazes me. It also shames me. :(
Simply brilliant! Such a story in color! Look at what I have missed since I have been swamped with work and life! I haven't forgotten about you!
I see some of the changes and like the final layout!
I wish I could see this in real life. I'm finding it hard to get a real sense of it from a small photo; but as it is, for some reason the vertical version looks best! It's quite striking and I'm sure it's amazing in real life.
Will it hang on a wall? If so, I hope it will be in a place where people can get far enough away to get a good view.
This is beautiful!! I can't wait to get started! I must stop procrastinating, and go pick up a cutter for the triangles. I'm just having a hard time choosing which one.
Neat quilt. I love watching from beginning to the end. Another job well done. Now to sew it together.
As much as I like tiny blocks and smaller sized blocks, in this case, I really do like being able to SEE the individual pieces even as they do their blending. Does that make sense? The smaller you go it's more muddied.
Is there a name for that block or a pattern or a kit? It is stunning.
Love these shimmering quilts!
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