Still digging through boxes.......................I had one more box on the shelves that needed to be opened. I taught this as a class before Oct. 1991. I know that because the store moved to a new location then and this was at the old location.
The only thing that has kept me from finishing it is that I was going to make a batch of lavender blocks too but never got back to it. I can certainly finish it right now with the number of blocks I have done but with only 3 colors it is harder to lay out the blocks without a color ending up next to itself. Actually I don't think it looks too bad just the way I plopped them up on the design wall. Here is the pattern I taught from.
A couple hours yesterday were devoted to hooking up digital boxes to 3 TVs. When the digital thing was happening in June they said we would be OK if we had cable. Well lo and behold, Comcast is changing all of the basic expanded channels to digital and we supposedly would not be able to get them unless we have their boxes. You could get 1 main big box and 2 smaller boxes free and you had to pay if you needed more. First you had to program the remote to work with your TV and since 2 of my TVs are 15 years old we had to do the search thing which took longer. Last night on the TV with the big box I went to change channels and grabbed the old remote that goes to the TV and not the digital box and now I have no signal. I tried calling them at 10:15 and they stop taking calls on weekends at 10. GRRRRR! Added 8 a.m-I just remembered the TV has to be set on channel 3 for the digital box to work. Whew! That is fixed, and the brain is working after 8 hours sleep.**************
A chipmunk story: I was sitting at my computer and I saw something dark and moving out of the corner of my eye. I turned and here was the chipmunk running out of the room. I started following him and he headed out through the kitchen. I have a screen door between my kitchen and garage which accidentally got cut off too short when I had the hardwood floor installed 14 years ago. There is about a 2" space at the bottom and I'm sure that is how he got in (and out I hope). I had left the garage door open while I was pulling weeds and closed it when I came in. Evidently he got in and was trapped in there. I hit the garage door button and the door opened but I didn't really see him leave (my car was in the way) but I'm assuming he got out. That was Sat. morning and I haven't seen any signs of any animals in the house since. One other day he was trapped in the garage and he made his chirping sound and I opened the door and let him out. I hope he has learned his lesson and stays outside now.
I don't think the colors have to be separated completely. It is beautiful as it is! I did not notice it until I read the description. Even nature doesn't scatter regularly, but rather gathers equal colors in one place.
The chipmunk will learn, to be sure! I guess this was an unpleasant experience. I observed that even wasps learn to find the way out more easily, once they know the trick. Another reason for me not to kill them.
I rather like them in a random order -- whether two of the same colour are beside one another or not. What a pretty quilt!!
Don't you just hate cable companies? What you think will take a half hour turns into a 3 day project and $$$.
Your obsessiveness over the colors touching sounds familiar!! But I agree, I think some lavendar would be excellent.
This quilt is going to be stunning....I really like it. I hope your chipmunk is gone. I am afraid of little animals that move quickly (and I can't figure out which way they might go next). LOL
I love this quilt and don't think it needs any more colours.
As for digital boxes, don't you just love the way we are often forced into buying new things cos the latest service or whatever won't work with what you've got?
I hate all this stuff with the tv's going on. We have a satellite dish so we do not have that problem, but I hate how if you want tv and do not have cable or dish that you have to get these boxes now. And now like your problem, you have the cable and they are changing that when it wasn't supposed to work like that! Always coming up with new remotes to learn how to operate. We don't even watch tv much anymore and have to pay a lot for when you do watch it.
Lovely quilt! Don't you just love dealing with Comcast. I find them frustrating at times too. We also have chipmunks that come into the garage too. But they have never been in the house. I think the 3 cats would get them.
I made a quilt like that a few years ago for my Granddaughter. Mine had white instead of black for the background. I love that pattern.
Hey I have this pattern - does that mean that I have to get it out and make one too?! I want to say how cleaning out my stash and UFO's has been very liberating as well as motivating! Its amazing how projects look different to you years later.
I think your chevron pattern looks lovely just the way it is. It would be an easy finish.
I wouldn't give it a second thought about some colors repeating in the layout of the quilt. It's gorgeous the way you have it arranged. A true treasure you have unearthed! Please finish it, and post the pics!
I get lizards in my apartment all the time. And I always jump a mile when I see them running by. They get in under my back door, where I, too, have a slight gap in the door on the bottom.
I think the quilt is gorgeous just as it is. I love the pattern.
Glad you got the TV thing figured out. Now remember when the power goes out to turn the power back on to the box. That is always my problem!
I hope your chipmunk learned his lesson too.
Concerning the quilt layout - if is nice as is, but if you want more organization, have the yellow in the center section (the rows with two blocks in them) and then alternate pink and blue both horizonally and vertically.
Good luck!
This is pretty with these colors. I would finish it as is, so that it gets finished! Only thing I might change is that there is a sort of pattern with the golds, so to finish it off, you could switch the bottom right gold with the 4th row pink to continue that pattern.
In real life flowers glow together - unless you have a huge gardening staff (thinking of the beautiful gardens at Walt Disney World). I would put it together just the way it is - it is lovely!
I love this quilt. Well worth finishing. I laughed about your visitor. Better chipmunk than lizard which I've had.
I just did the Comcast upgrade thing last week - worked ok, except now I can't record anything on the VCR. Even if I got it working, evidently you can't record 1 show while watching another through the cable box. Why does progress end up taking away things that worked?
You make such stunning quilts Wanda. I really like both designs in your last two posts. Each project you find is beautiful. I love black as a background for quilts. If you make more blocks, will you have enough black that is the same coloration as the rest of your blocks. I have run into a problem before of not having the same black fabric and it looking odd because one was faded looking compared to the other fabrics.
I am sure you will finish it and it will be another gorgeous quilt. I think log cabin is such a versatile pattern- and some of the floral designs are just gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing,
Warmest regards,
The cacti are lovely! Lavender ones would make it even better, but sometimes you've just got to get that quilt into a top!
I love the Zygocatus - just stunning!
Chipmunks: his learning will depend on how much he liked being on the inside. Maybe he likes quilts? I know i really like your tulip quilt. All that color on the black background is beautiful.
Hi Wanda,
Pretty quilt blocks. They have a timeless look, not the typical early '90s mauves and blues.
I'm glad the chipmunk found his way out! My indoor cat played outdoors a bit yesterday (with supervision) and caught a chipmunk. She promptly brought it into the garage. Good thing the door to the house wasn't open.
Vicky F
That top is beautiful but I'm afraid the matchy matchy gene in me would have to have the colours all placed in order. I don't like that I'm that way, but just can't help it!
I don't often comment, but I enjoy your blog every day and am so inspired but how much beautiful work you produce. You are truly an inspiration!
In my mind, I have a nice layout for just the 3 colors, using the blocks that are given...
Do you have any ideas about quilting the zygocactus quilt? I really like it and I'm thinking of making one.
Black really makes these flowers beautiful. I agree no need for lavender... if you do not want to add it.
I like what you have shown us today.
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