Taking my time
I'm trying to take my time and do a good job of ditch quilting on this little quilt (24.5" square). I decided to just follow the stripes or plaids in the background with stitching lines too.
I don't like the way the fabric looks distorted when I take close up pictures. I have been trying to figure out what causes it so I can do them differently.
I have almost all of Valori Wells' books and "Radiant New York Beauties" had a plaid quilt on the cover. I used the paper piecing templates from the book but did a different layout when I made this little piece. I didn't make it as big as hers for one thing. My attention span told me when I was done making blocks. We were still under the high pressure front yesterday so I still had that nagging headache. I was feeling better by evening so I hope today will be a better day.Jane and Karen, you both asked me questions yesterday but you are both no reply-comment @ blogger .com. That means I can't email you. My email link is on my right side bar. I'm happy to answer questions if I have an email address for you.
Oh my goodness, this is just beautiful!
Hi Wanda,
I really love the blocks you've shown. I have that book but haven't done anything from it, yet.
It looks like you have a moire pattern going with the plaids (see Wikipedia "moire pattern") but I don't know what can be done about it. Maybe someone smart about digital cameras can give you a tip.
Vicky F
oh i love those quilts. i made some creative resolutions for 2010....now i think i should reconsider my love/hate relationship with sewing curves! to date i have not been successful....
WOW...such eye-catching designs....even with the little wobbles in the fabric that bother you. I think the quilt looks GREAT.
The quilting looks great. I see what you mean about the distortion on the close up. Not sure what can cause that. If you find out will you please share?
I have always wanted to a quilt top like that but I am not a lover of paper piecing. Your blocks are really lovely, great quilting too.
Sorry to hear your head is still causing trouble. Hope it goes soon.
Love the quilt and your quilting is excellent. My short attention span also determines the size of many of my quilts :-).
I love this one! I have one of Valori Wells books but haven't made anything from it... one of these days. I think I see the distortion that you you're talking about, but I don't think it distracts from your pics in anyway. It just shows the dimension and loft of the layers.. the life in the quilt. That barometric pressure does funny things, hope you're feeling your normal self soon.
Vicky F is right, you have a moire pattern going on. Depending upon the camera you have, you can get an optical filer that screws on in front of the lens. You can use these on DSLR cameras and eliminate the problem at the source. Otherwise, you will have to do some electronic photo re-touching. HTH.
New York Beauty has been on my to do list for years. Maybe I'll finally make one in 2010!
I love this too, I think the quilting shows a lot of patience...though I like to keep my pp projects smaller too.
so beautiful
You are doing such a nice job on the quilting. I have always wanted to do a NY Beauty. They are so stunning.
All I can say is WOW !! I don't blame you for being done at 24", especially with plaids. Gorgeous quilt, that's for sure.
I LOVE this quilt, it is so unique!!! Love IT!!
Lordy do I love those NY Beauties. And the plaid is wonderful. I need to do a foundation-pieced item so that I can work my way up to one of these. Nice job, Wanda!
These are really beautiful, Wanda! I love your exuberant fabric choices!
If you get a chance, visit my blog. I know you like to paper piece. My last post has a freebie download for a compass where you actually piece the checkerboard background between the points.
Even though I have a bad cold right now,I'm finding that having the heat running a lot has caused me some bad headaches. But I too, felt nasty all day yesterday, but finally found some relief in the evening. Hope you're having a better day today!
I love your NY Beauties! It looks great done in the plaids. I don't see the wonkies! Just a very patiently quilted quilt!
New York Beauty is on my list of quilts I want to do at some point. Yours is gorgeous!! I think cameras sometimes have trouble reading certain fabrics - maybe it's something you can fix with some judicious photo editing.
How beautiful! -- I don't find it distorted in the first photo, it is just perspective, and I can un-"tort" it easily.
All that great work. I think it's the nature of the beast...that being that plaids are never created perfectly straight...so it sometimes seems that it's been distorted. I love plaids, but I will usually just use them up in a simple "country" type pattern. Since we all know your piecing borders on perfection I would chalk this up as a lesson learned!
You and I share similar feelings around the New York Beauty - I want sooooo much to complete a quilt top, but can never get past four or five blocks - it's such an intense pattern! Maybe one of these days I'll pace myself!
As always, many thanks for your wonderful inspiring work!
those are just gorgeous. Love everything about them, the colors, the arcs, the suns, the quilting.
oh I love those bright happy colors and the spiky roundness. I just wish we could get those Roberta Horton fabrics again.
WOW this is so unique love it.
Delia Australia
Love you NYB quilt !!
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