Have I had enough fun yet?
I got the next straight border sewn on the wavy top and I'm wondering if I'm done with it. If I followed the book this would be on point and there would be one more round of triangles (even bigger, even wavier). Do I really want an 83" square quilt that wouldn't fit any size bed properly and is way too big for a wallhanging?
My first thought was to make a strip pieced border with the checkerboard in the corners and then finish up with another darker print border around that. Then I thought maybe I need to view a plain border and be done with it. That isn't necessarily the fabric I would use for the plain border. It just happened to be dark and a size I could prop up on the wall without cutting into another piece of yardage.While I let this rattle around in my mind I will go on to another project.
I was wondering what stage this project was at. My preference would be to add a darker tonal border, match the binding to the border and call it done. It looks great at this size. jmho
I agree with Sharon--darker tonal border.
The pieced border is more to look at and my eyes want to rest.
here is link to the (same) quilt my friend Jami made. Maybe it will lend some inspiration?: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32512724
If you wanted it for a bed you could use what you have for a medalion set on point and put a couple borders on it, with wider borders on top and bottom. Or you could send it to me and I could drool over it everytime I looked at it ;-)
Do you have enough of the checker board fabric to use for a border? I'd add that and call it a day.
I hear you....sometimes you have to walk away, start something new then later when you return....SNAP...you've solved your problem or made a decision.
I agree with Linda. Add a dark border and call it done. It is a nice quilt. Too bad it's given you some problems. Thank you for posting the quilt hanging on the wall in your picture of flowers. It's a stunning quilt, which by the way, gives me an idea for my next project. Well, no, not the next one---the one after that.....Thanks again.
I like this. YOu did a great job. Whatever you do, I know it will be nice.
I just discovered your blog. Your quilts are amazing!!!
How about another solid border then piano keys?
Interesting to me that you think of functional end size. I always end just going for what feels right, but end up with a whole bunch of odd sized quilt. In my mind, if it's bigger than 60 inches square it is lap size.
Amazingly colorful. yep, that looks like fun. I took a class once called Skewed Blocks. I had a lot of fun with that! I loved looking through your blog. Thanks. Linda
I was surprised to see this one tonight. I just came back to check the comments and see you added another post for Wednesday. I love "your mossy radiance". It wouldn't take me long to figure out some where to display it, no matter what the size. It makes such a grand presence.
Your quilt caught my attention - I purchased the kit but have not yet attempted it, however, (maybe this won't help you at this point, but it might help you for the "red" one you plan to do. I attended a retreat where we worked on a similiar pattern, lots and lots of bias edges and to keep them from waving I used a thin strip of fusible interfacing along the bias edge to stabilize it before sewing. Try it. Your quilt is beautiful. Bernie
I like the green checker board fabric for a border. Good thing is, it's your quilt and your decision and you make fabulous quilts!
This quilt is screaming that it's done. I would add a dark border and move on.
No need to go further than feels right. I like the darker plain border myself. Thanks for posting archived info for your newer readers. You have so much to share!
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