I hung all of the rest of the unfinished quilt tops on hangers yesterday, 22 more. So that makes 43 either ready to be quilted, waiting for borders, or needing some other decisions before finishing. Now if I just make 9 more I will have one to finish in each of the 52 weeks of 2010. Does that sound like a plan?

Speaking of finishing, I did finish the quilting on the Blooming 9-Patch (directions in "Traditions with a Twist" by Blanche Young) and got the edges trimmed ready for binding.

Happy New Year to you, Wanda! Woo hoo. Am I the first to comment in 2010?
You're amazing, Wanda! Most people who pump out that many quilts in a year make mostly simple or small quilts. But NOT YOU! I still think of you as the queen of color- you have a gift.
Happy New Year to you and your wonderful readers!
Happy New Year Wanda, I like your plan...I hope you let yourself start some new ones too!!
Wanda, Happy New Year! I think you need to made a few more, that's a good plan, one a week, makes things nice and rounded out. I wish I was that organized to have mine all on hangers, I'm impressed. Happy stitching in 2010!
Sounds like a great plan, but I'm exhausted just thinking about it!
Happy New Year.
Your hangers full of colorful UFOs look gorgeous. I'm looking forward to seeing them all finished during the year. Happy New Year, Wanda.
Happy New Year Wanda. It sounds like you are off to a busy and productive start this year with all those beautiful quilts waiting for a final finish. I do love how your Blooming 9-Patch turned out. It certainly does look like a garden has come to life on your bed.
I wish you all the best for 2010 and look forward to seeing more of your wonderful work.
Wanda, I am thinking that you should make one more top for every three that you quilt. That would leave you with some to fill that closet space, but have some extra room. ha ha
Happy New Year and good quilting to you!
Happy New Year to you too Wanda! You are so productive that I'm sure you will have no problem meeting whatever goals you set for yourself in 2010. Love seeing all of those quilts hanging!
Today is my day of reckoning where I make my list of 2009 accomplishments and cement my 2010 goals. I stil have a lot of UFO's to finish, but I'm certain I will make progress.
I love your blooming 9 patch...just the way it is. We all have boxes under the bed and some of mine peek out too. As for a quilt a week, it sounds like a title for a book! A perfect plan and can't wait to see your results. And happy new year.
I totally love the blooming nine patch. As long as there are no skeletons under the bed (there seems to be no room left in the closet) it doesn't really matter if the quilt touches the floor.
Have a wonderful 2010!
Wow Wanda you had MORE stashed away. One a week sounds good and I know you could do that.
Can you not put that storage box to the other side of the bed?? The quilt just looks o good in the yellow room.
Happy New Year Wanda!!!!! Thanks for all your wonderful posts and pictures. I know you will probably get those quilts finished one a week.
I can not begin to imagine having so many quilts ready to quilt!! If 33 members of your family have already received quilts this year who are the lucky people you will be giving your quilts to this year! You are such a great quilter and get so much done it is amazing.
Wanda, You just amaze me! I think you should make it an even 52 for sure. I think you have inspired me to make that a goal for myself too. Quilting the quilt tops is a top priority for sure. The blooming nine patch is just gorgeous on the bed.
Happy New Year to you too!
I think adding enough to make it an even 52 is a great idea! What an amazing goal -- 52 quilts in one year!
Happy New Year, Wanda! I love your 'Blooming Nine Patch'. It looks great on your guest bed. I wouldn't worry about the boxes under the bed. I used to be afraid of the things that lived under my bed when I was a kid, but now I have so many boxes under there, there is no room for the scary things. Boxes under the bed are a good thing.
Happy New Year Wanda.
The quilt looks wonderful...or should I say Wandaful!
Happy New Year. You have set a very ambitious goal of a quilt a week. You amaze me. You inspire me on so many levels. I got a design board on the wall in my sewing room. Let the enjoyment begin.
Hi Wanda, Our best wishes for a happy, healthy
New Year! Thanks for your inspiration each and every
day !! jmh
Happy New Year from your "neighbor" in Chicago. *S*
What a beautiful stash of quilts you have. Makes my little stack of 6 quilts here look really puny.
Consider not a "ruffle" around the edge of that bed, but a really calm tailored one to cover the storage. It seems a shame to hang that quilt back in the closet.
If I had one quilt hanging on a hanger waiting to be bound off I would be happy. Seeing some of those 43 quilts waiting for you ... YOU must be REALLY happy.
I LOVE your quilt for your yellow guest room. I too am not a fan of dust ruffles. I know it would be too large for a double bed size. So would consider tearing out the binding and add more to this quilt ? OR give in and add a dust ruffle. In this case I would add the dust ruffle ... you would not be making up this bed up on a daily basis.
Happy New Year, Wanda! I think the quilt looks great--I hardly notice the rail. What if you turned the box so it didn't show? (I only wish I had a guest bedroom that looked so neat--guess that should be one of my resolutions, hehe!)
Wow! You are one busy and organized woman!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Wanda! I like your plan for 2010, may try something similar, only one quilt a month, not week....
; )
Wanda - Happy New Year to a PROLIFIC quilter of impeccable taste and style! I love the Blooming 9-patch (I see another book purchase in my future - sigh) and admire pretty much all of your quilts. Have a great year filled with much joy and more quilts, of course. Leslie :-)
Happy New Year Wanda. Enjoy your sewing.
Blooming nine patch is gorgeous! I had the same issue with size in my guest room and did not use a "ruffle", but rather a tailored skirt out of one of the fabrics in the quilt. I'm liking it. Just an idea since it looks so nice with the yellow walls.
Happy New Year Wanda!
That's some honesty!
That quilt looks too good not to be used in that room! You could just wrap the rails instead of using a skirt?
Hi Wands,
I love love the quilt and wouldn't worry about the dust ruffle or the box under the bed. You see it in the picture but people coming into the room will be looking at the beaurtiful quilt.
Happy new year, Roberta
This is so pretty...a garden in the sunshine. I like dust ruffles but never even noticed that you didn't have one on this bed. The quilt is so beautiful
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