I kept auditioning different fabrics for the narrow borders that separate the stripped triangles and with the red in the center (see yesterday's post), nothing seemed to be working. If you go back to the post where I show the picture from the book, the second and third narrow borders blend in to the strip colors. With the red in the center I needed a contrast, something that introduced red, and everything just jumped out and screamed "border". I gave up and pulled the darkest coloration in "lotus leaf" which is the same print as the 3rd border in the book, only a different colorway. I think it works well as a center print and I could fussy cut 2 that look alike.
As far as the red goes, well I could make a red version of this same quilt, or I could just move on.
Thanks for showing us your process of making color choices. While the view from a PC is not quite the same, it gives words to why (or why not) you like something or it works. That is helpful.
Hope your migraine flies south for the rest of the winter.
Personally, I like what I see today best of all. It seems to flow right.
Whatever you choose, I know it will be lovely.
Caryl P.
Much better, I think. Yes, DO make a red one. Would love to see what you come up with.
The bottom right corner stip set is the only thing that is really distracting. The rest of it is beautiful.
i wouldn't change a thing. I love it!
This is your "Mossy Radiance" and it is blossoming nicely. You have my sympathy for all those migraines you have to live through.
Oh yes, that looks perfect.
Hope you are feeling better. It's easier to "see" how the border looks with the pieces pushed together. I think that with the white showing it was a little harder to judge what color would look good for the border. But I do like the one you have layed out. Actually, I love anything green.
It's always nice to know when to move on, but that quilt in red...
I definitely like this last example the best. It just feels right. Thanks for sharing the process. It shows me that I need to be more patient with my choices.
This last example seems to be just right. Sorry to hear about another migraine. Hope your day flows smoothy again.
Lovely - wonderful choice!
You've given me some ideas for scraps I've been saving for something "special" :)
I think you hit it with this version. The red fabrics blend in just right.
Have you tried feverfew for your headaches? I used to get really bad headaches, and I found that taking a feverfew capsule in the morning and evening helped to prevent them.
Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Hmm... Is this maybe a value issue? Except for a few strips most of the triangle pieces are light/mediums. And the center portion is definitely dark. In the original that is the case as well, and then that outer border is dark. It seems offputting to me in the original as well. What about trying your reds as those narrow border strips and adding in a lighter centre?
I like this the way it is, but can also picture it looking good in a red, too. Love the design and all the other fabrics you've chosen.
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