The binding is done!!!
I had missed a couple TV shows this weeks so I watched them on Comcast's On Demand. Then there were 2 new shows last night too so I worked on the binding through 4 shows and the news and finished it. The arthritis in my thumbs is screaming at me.
Here is the whole quilt again. It is hanging sideways on my design wall here. It ended up 73" x 95.5" so it will fit on a twin bed.
If you have been reading my blog for a long time you may remember the inspiration quilt is in one of Kaffe Fassett's books and is called Beaded Curtain. I modified the pattern by making the color groups smaller. I kept thinking of argyle when I looked at it even though it isn't a true argyle. The prints are Kaffe Fassett fabrics, the plainer fabrics are mostly batiks and all of the filler/background are a regular print fabric that looks like pastel paint splatters. Now that my official 4 finishes for January are done, it is playtime for me. That is right after I clean the basement in anticipation of my art quilters' group who will be here Monday.
Lovely finish, Wanda! Have fun playing! After finishing four quilts, you deserve it!
Absolutely beautiful.
Woohoo! It's beautiful and congrats on your finishes for January.
Love the colors in this quilt. it looks great!
Your version of Kaffe's Beaded Curtain quilt is just wonderful. Another fantastic finish! I am sorry your thumb is sore from binding. I can totally relate to this, lately my right arm and neck hurt terribly with any kind of hand work. After hurting my neck several years ago, my right side has never been the same and hand work can be excruciating at times.
This is beautiful! You've inspired me to look up some of his books. I don't have any yet.
Handwork pain seems to be contagious. I've been complaining about it on my blog, and the comments I got, like yours, show how common it is. Hope you take it slow and recover.
Really pretty! Great job on all of the finishes!
Glad you got it finished, it looks wonderful. I like that you used cotton prints as well as batiks in the same quilt. So many people think it has to be one or the other.
I can relate to the sore hands. Carpel tunnel is my bane if I do too much handwork. Numb hands at night and burning pain in my wrists is not fun, so I've learned to pace myself. Getting old ain't for sissies, is it?
Gorgeous quilt. Have you considered using the sewing machine to sew down the binding? I've done it for years. On my last project, I made the binding a little wider, and used a machine embroidery stitch to topstitch it. Nice effect, and it does save your hands.
Beautiful quilt!
Congrats on the four finishes! And having so much time to play now:) Rest up those thumbs. Enjoy your weekend.
very, very nice! I love the selection you used for the binding. You have been accomplishing a lot of quilting.
You have had a great January. The quilt looks beautiful.
I really like this quilt.Wig.
Good on Ya Wanda. You have done well so now you have fun.
You have been a very good girl! Go play ;-) Can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Another "wow!" quilt! Very, very nice color balance. It's got a good feel to it.
Beautifully done! Congrats on getting four done!
Playtime yeah!:)
Have a great weekend & have fun with your art quilters'group on Monday.
Looking forward to seeing whats next on your agenda!
Kay in Kansas
Congrats on your four - FOUR! - finishes this month! My two little BOM's (Aug/Sep '09) seem a bit inadequate... but we all do what we can :-)
I can't wait to see what's your next inspiration will be. It's always a bright point of my day to see what you're working on!
It really looks amazing. I love the subtlety of the blocks in the background. You have such a great eye for value!
Teaching a class at the quilt shop and then coming home and finishing the binding on your argyle quilt. Then throwing yourself into readying your basement studio for your art quilter's group ! Whew ~
Are still sipping on your daily morning concoction that you whip up in your Bullet ? That has to be your energizing secret !
It is stunning! I love that quilt, could stare at that picture for ages!
I hope your thumbs feel better.
Somehow, despite the arthritis in your thumbs, I get the feeling that your quilting is so enjoyable for you that you could say all of it is playing! I sure like the results!!
Oh, it turned out beautifully!! Happy playing, and I hope your thumb quiets down soon!
Very pretty! Congrats on all of your January finishes!
Impressive, awesome -- love it. I remember my aunt complaining about her hand and joints, and now I feel the same way she did. Oh well. I still love the final step of binding.
I love the binding fabric--just perfect. The things we do for our habits--oh, I mean hobbies. LOL They say those hot wax treatments for hands are wonderful.
That looks great.
I am making this quilt using African fabrics. Your's really works - the beads are there. Candy
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