The binding is on, the hanging sleeve and label are on. It is an official finish.Yesterday morning I took a photo with the light from the window coming across it so you can see the quilting better. I found about 3 places I still needed to quilt when I did this.
I flipped it over and took a picture of the back. I wish I had used a busier plaid on the back now. All of the little tie offs show when I was using a different color thread on top. I had over 50 tie offs on this one so I wasn't going to tie by hand and bury the threads. In fact I rarely do that. I think that should be reserved for show quilts. (Just my opinion. I know some of you do it ALL of the time.)
Here are my 2.5 finishes piled on the sewing cabinet. I figure if I get my 4 finishes for the month done in the first 10 days, then I have 21 days to start a couple new projects (the stripe blocks are first!) and maybe get borders sewn onto some of the tops that were on hangers in previously posted pictures.I know there are all kinds of theories on whether you should do the hardest/longest project first and then everything that follows is easier and faster OR get some instant gratification and do the small projects first. With a short attention span I chose the second choice. It gets me motivated to see several things done instead of just one thing.
You are amazing. What do you do with all of your quilts--sell them, give them away, keep them, or a combination of all of the above? During the work week I have about 2-3 hours a night that I can sew, and I find it so frustrating to see what you are able to accomplish. I have a small NY Beauty quilt top that I made from Valori's book, I'm going to get it out this weekend and quilt it and finish it up. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful work.
All terrific finishes!! I love your theories and depending on the mood that I am in depends on the theory that I go with. Often times it is the instant gratification.
Oh, how lovely! I am usually not a fan of stipes and plaids, but with this quilt you certainly have changed my mind. I have been working on gifts for next Xmas already to avoid the inevitable rush that I go through every year. We just got 10 inches of new snow here in WI, and I love being snowed in... More sewing time for those UFOs.....
it looks lovely - and to have the sleeve and label on it already too! I am always slow about labels, I haven't been good about that lately and need to make one for a quilt I finished before Christmas. Karen
I always bury my ends. But I confess to using a self threading needle to speed it up. Sometimes that causes the thread to break off though. I don't let those worry me too much. LOL
They are just divine Wanda well done.No I do not tie threads away either only as you say if it is for something special. I NEED to get in the sewing room and off the computer.
I think a couple of instant gratification projects thrown into the mix perks our motovation. I DO want to do an American Beauty - perhaps this is the year.
Wow! One week into January only, and you have these accomplishments. They are wonderful. I've been working all week to finish one little clerical stole. I am just so slow at everything.
STOP, Wanda, you're ALREADY making me feel guilty!!! LOL Yes you ARE amazing..can you rub off on me through the computer?! HA They're beauties as always.
That is just gorgeous! I love how you quilted it. Interesting about the tie-offs. That's one of the things about machine quilting that I couldn't get used to.
Ah! I've made this quilt too, its the picture on the banner of my blog! It was a really fun and I loved choosing the colors as I went - Yours is beautiful!
Hi Wanda, I have a fabric bundle of Kaffe plaids and stripes. I usually just admire them. Now I know what I could do with them to show off their beauty. Good job with your quick finish. Vicky F
WOW, WOW, WOW. That's all I can say about the NYB wall hanging. I LOVE IT. As for the quilting with two differant colors, love that too. I guess you could say, I love what you are doing, keep it up. Can't wait to check them out.
I love your NYB! I love plaids, and this one is glorious! What a great finish.
I never tie off the thread ends. I only quilt small things, for the most part, and they don't get a lot of wear, so I don't worry about it. I just do the tiny stitches at the beginning and end of a line of stitches.
I found your discussion of which project to tackle interesting. I often pick the instant gratification over the longer project, because having a finish "under my belt" helps me get going on the other. But sometimes it depends on my mood too. You get so much done that I have to admire your attitude and perserverance.
You are amazing. What do you do with all of your quilts--sell them, give them away, keep them, or a combination of all of the above? During the work week I have about 2-3 hours a night that I can sew, and I find it so frustrating to see what you are able to accomplish. I have a small NY Beauty quilt top that I made from Valori's book, I'm going to get it out this weekend and quilt it and finish it up. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful work.
All terrific finishes!! I love your theories and depending on the mood that I am in depends on the theory that I go with. Often times it is the instant gratification.
it is perfect. I want to make this one. I have the pattern and I like that you just made a small version. Very motivating.
Oh, how lovely! I am usually not a fan of stipes and plaids, but with this quilt you certainly have changed my mind. I have been working on gifts for next Xmas already to avoid the inevitable rush that I go through every year. We just got 10 inches of new snow here in WI, and I love being snowed in... More sewing time for those UFOs.....
it looks lovely - and to have the sleeve and label on it already too! I am always slow about labels, I haven't been good about that lately and need to make one for a quilt I finished before Christmas.
That is SO pretty........great job!!!
I always bury my ends. But I confess to using a self threading needle to speed it up. Sometimes that causes the thread to break off though. I don't let those worry me too much. LOL
Love the quilt.
Gosh! I love it! I am still working on my first finish for the year.
They are just divine Wanda well done.No I do not tie threads away either only as you say if it is for something special.
I NEED to get in the sewing room and off the computer.
Beautiful quilt and quilting!
That is such a fun design and good for you for finishing it so beautifully.
It really is lovely. Nice job.
I love your finishes. Instant gratification works for me too, and gets me working on the tough ones.
I always take the easy road and do the smallest first. That way you can see progress right away - or at least shortly.
I think a couple of instant gratification projects thrown into the mix perks our motovation.
I DO want to do an American Beauty - perhaps this is the year.
This one is awesome. I love the use of plaids and stripes and your quilting looks great!
Wow, energy!
Wow! One week into January only, and you have these accomplishments. They are wonderful. I've been working all week to finish one little clerical stole. I am just so slow at everything.
STOP, Wanda, you're ALREADY making me feel guilty!!! LOL Yes you ARE amazing..can you rub off on me through the computer?! HA They're beauties as always.
You are incredible!
I just love your new quilt. The on with new york beauties. Did you use a pattern? I would love to do one like this. I like that it is small.
Thank goodness there are no calories in the "candy" you show here every day! Beautiful piece, congrats on the finishes.
That is just gorgeous! I love how you quilted it. Interesting about the tie-offs. That's one of the things about machine quilting that I couldn't get used to.
I would have never considered doing a NYB in plaids but it's wonderful!
Ah! I've made this quilt too, its the picture on the banner of my blog! It was a really fun and I loved choosing the colors as I went - Yours is beautiful!
They are all just beautiful! The sun burst one is amazing. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing.
WOW! That is fabulous! GOOD WORK!
What a gorgeous quilt!
Glorious Strips 'n Curves ! Fabrics and design are absolutely stunning. And perfect quilting.
but we are so critical of our own work....i am captivated by your work....and this quilt is wonderful
Very nice! Love it.
Hi Wanda,
I have a fabric bundle of Kaffe plaids and stripes. I usually just admire them. Now I know what I could do with them to show off their beauty.
Good job with your quick finish.
Vicky F
Your latest finish is lovely. Makes me think of sunsets and deserts for some reason.
Very cool!
I love this quilt! I think it is one of the nicest I have ever seen.
Great work!
WOW, WOW, WOW. That's all I can say about the NYB wall hanging. I LOVE IT.
As for the quilting with two differant colors, love that too.
I guess you could say, I love what you are doing, keep it up. Can't wait to check them out.
Beautiful! New York Beauty is my favorite block, but I haven't done much with using 2 different sizes on one quilt. You've inspired me! (As always!)
I love your NYB! I love plaids, and this one is glorious! What a great finish.
I never tie off the thread ends. I only quilt small things, for the most part, and they don't get a lot of wear, so I don't worry about it. I just do the tiny stitches at the beginning and end of a line of stitches.
I found your discussion of which project to tackle interesting. I often pick the instant gratification over the longer project, because having a finish "under my belt" helps me get going on the other. But sometimes it depends on my mood too. You get so much done that I have to admire your attitude and perserverance.
LOVE this quilt!
HOLY MOLY!!!! You are my QUILT HERO!!!!
I would have never thought to use plaids in a New York Beauty Quilt. Your quilt is so vibrant. I LOVE IT!!!
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