Thursday, May 20, 2021

Lots of hard work........

When I went outside I intended to dig the remaining plants I'm saving from the front garden but I ended up planting my other 9 tomato plants.  Look closely...there are 3 tiny tomatoes on this plant, the one I planted for my 3 year old neighbor girl.

Two plants farther down the row there are 2 small tomatoes started.

Here is another variety of Hardy Geranium that I need to dig up and put in a pot for the time being.

I pull out more Spiderwort every year but there are always a few I miss.  They are kind of pretty in with the Hostas and Jack-in-the-pulpit plants.

I found more of the 10" long strips of batik so I made more 4 patches for the on point project.  I was really too tired to do anything else.  All of the digging and planting is hard work.



Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I haven't looked at my garden in several days due to the rain, I hope this afternoon I will be able to look - but I think it is more rain this afternoon and I will be out most of the morning again!

Julierose said...

Tomatoes already!! How great!! We've had a spate of lovely days that cool down nicely for sleeping at night....trying to take advantage of sitting out before it gets too hot...hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

That was a lot of digging! I don't know what the temperatures are like in your area, but it is suppose to get hot here. Forget about the gradual warm ups in the spring. It seems to go from cold to hot! 90 here tomorrow! I need to get out and water my zinnia and marigold seedling and some of the Lenten Roses I transplanted. I look at them last night and they all look like they could use a drink. I was too tired to drag out the hose last night.

Needled Mom said...

The gardening IS a lot of work. After a day out there, I don’t have energy for anything else. You still had energy for a bit of sewing. It won’t be long before you are eating those tomatoes and reaping the rewards of your hard work.

Linda Swanekamp said...

As soon as I am done with this, I am going out to plant my pots before it gets too warm. Lovely job. Those four patches look so juicy.

JJM said...

Reading the comments, it sounds like many of us are about the same age … and keeping up with our gardening is not as easy as it use to be.
I think most of us are facing the same, and were not giving up. Because of lovely blossoms that make us smile.


Shelina said...

Wow that is great that you already have tomatoes growing. I have some plants my Mom gave me when she planted seeds from a whole tomato she got from the grocery store. She said she prefers to do that because then she knows for sure she likes the flavor. I put one in the ground outside and was hoping to plant the others this weekend.