Sunday, February 10, 2013

More blocks and a finish.......

I made one more Rattlesnake block yesterday morning and then grouped the 6 blocks for a photo shoot.
I made one more block last night.  I thought I might get faster piecing them the more I made but this one still took me an hour to make.
I loaded this Stack and Slash quilt yesterday morning on my longarm and then quilted it in the late afternoon.  I sewed the binding (same fabric as backing) on all by machine so it is done.  I did my favorite wavy line grid on this one.  It ended up 55" x 68".


Sewing Junkie said...

I know this isn't your favorite type of fabric, but it sure looks nice. It will keep someone warm. I love the looks of the Rattlesnake blocks. Chris

Anonymous said...

Love the block! The curved parts look difficult to add. This would scare me away! I love your finished quilt as well. Do you do all the lines in one direction and then turn the whole thing and reload it to quilt the lines the other way?

sew4given AT aol DOT com

Quiltedtime said...

The rattlesnake is definitely going to keep you busy for awhile. You are so meticulous in lining up your plaids. Good job.

Patty Cramer said...

Love them. How does that flannel show up???

Patty Cramer said...

Oops, I meant stand up. Sorry, early in Cali!!

Gene Black said...

Have you tried "assembly lining" those paperpieced blocks? Have a stack with just one piece to sew on each and sit and do them all, then trim and set up for the next piece.
I know you probably are aware of this method, but maybe it just didn't occur to you this time.

Needled Mom said...

Nice finish, Wanda. How big is the rattlesnake quilt going to be?

hetty said...

Lovely finish. I really like the Stack and Slash pattern and I love your rattle snake blocks! Lots of work, but they look fantastic.

suemac said...

It will be a very cozy. I can feel that flannel. So soft.

JJM said...

I can see why it would take an hour to finish one rattlesnake block. I would be happy to get one done in a day.

S & S has such a warm cozy look to it. On a day like today in Sandwich, it is one to reach for and snuggle into and read a good book.


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

The rattlesnake is taking shape. I can see the diamond back or rattle shapes!

I like that wavy line quilting.

Carol E. said...

Love that rattlesnake quilt! It's going to be stunning.

*kd. said...

What fun!!!

Jan said...

Great pattern to use up some stash! Love the wavy line quilting so much! Your rattlesnake blocks are cool, too :)

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I like your slasher quilt. :) And the rattlesnake is going to be wonderful! P.S. I'm sure it would take me much longer than an hour, if ever.

Gypsy Quilter said...

Both came out beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

quiltmom anna said...

I love your rattlesnake block- I have a number of Judy Niemeyer patterns waiting on the someday list- I do enjoy paper piecing because it is a good way for me to be accurate.
Love the stack and slash quilt too- Do you free motion the quilting on your long arm or use a pantograph.Great design you used on it. I don't have a long arm - just a baby lock that is similar to a Juki. Perhaps someday I will invest in a Sweet 16 - no space for a bigger machine. A friend just bought an older long arm and is loving the new ways she can quilt.

Purple Pam said...

Your rattlesnake blocks are great. Until I saw this photo of your grouping, I did not feel very excited about them, especially since they are paperpieced. But you have changed my mind.