I sewed 3 more segments of the new paper pieced quilt that I showed yesterday. I need to choose corner fabrics soon. I want to sew the corners on as I go instead of waiting til the end.
I realized I needed to sort the scraps in the 2 boxes by size so I could find the ones that were large enough to cut corners from. This is from the 'cools' box.
This is the contents of the 'warms' box all sorted. Then I went through the piles of large enough pieces and eliminated any that I thought wouldn't work.
We had a snow storm yesterday. In the beginning it was coming down in little snowballs. Once again we got a little less than they predicted but I heard on the noon news that we had 4". It was hard to tell because it was a wet snow and it started compressing as the temperature went above freezing. Yesterday I rescheduled today's Dr. appointment in Chicago for a day a couple weeks from now when hopefully it will be more pleasant to take that long ride. You never know how much lake effect snow they might get there overnight.
The red cactus produced one more flower after 3 buds dried up and fell off. My orange cactus has about 5 buds on it now. I thought maybe it wasn't going to bloom this year.
I have loved paperpiecing those little spikes and checks. Love your colors as usual. I am baby sitting 2 grands in Seattle-no snow but a little chilly!
Wow!It looks like you have been bitten by the paper piecing bug. Your new project is going to be gorgeous. Thanks too, for the snowy pictures. It reminds me of my childhood in the Chicago area.
Your JN project is going to be fantastic! I can't wait to see it. We were supposed to get your snow storm, but got mostly rain, thank goodness!!
Your quilt looks like it will be pretty!
I love the cactus stories, I've been trying to get mine to bloom for a couple of years. I actually have 3 blooms, white with orange edges!
I am loving this new piecing project! I'm like you, the more variety in the fabrics, the better! And, I'm a definite fan of batiks, too.
this is looking pretty - yes why drive in that kind of snow if you don't have to and it is not an emergency - love the quilt
I was hoping we would get 3' of snow so I would have to go to work today. We got nothing but rain.
I have loved paperpiecing those little spikes and checks. Love your colors as usual. I am baby sitting 2 grands in Seattle-no snow but a little chilly!
Wow!It looks like you have been bitten by the paper piecing bug. Your new project is going to be gorgeous. Thanks too, for the snowy pictures. It reminds me of my childhood in the Chicago area.
Good idea to reschedule!
The blocks are really going to be beautiful.
Beautiful colors . . .
Always a treat to watch your designs grow. And the magnificent fabrics that you have in your stash to create with.
You got a nice snow fall ... I wish we would get ours now instead of those spring snow showers.
Your cactus blossoms are so delicate and pretty.
You are a paper piecing madwoman.
THe blocks are looking great!
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