A little more paper piecing....
I started sewing the Rattlesnake quilt together with the crazy pieced blocks randomly placed. I was pretty sure that was my favorite until I saw the 2 photos on the computer screen and then wasn't sure. I'm glad so many of you agreed with me that it was the best layout. I want to come up with a new name for it though. I wasn't in the mood to work on the border so instead I decided to finish the block on the right. I found these in the box of paper piecing patterns and books. The 3 on the left have been done for years. The one on the right had 2 sections sewn and all of the pieces cut and ready to sew. My A and B piles got mixed up after lunch and I pieced the wrong fabrics on one of each so to save the block I had to make the last 2 pieces wrong too and change the design. It still needs corner triangles which are put on after the A and B triangles are sewn together. I had a dark fabric cut to use but I think I need the corners to stay lighter if I'm just going to use these 4 blocks together. The patterns are from Carol Doak's state blocks book. If I decide to piece some more I'll wait for the corner fabric choice until I get more done.
I do believe you might have caught the paper piecing bug!
Whatever you changed doesn't seem to matter, that new block looks great. Since we never saw the original pattern this one looks like it was meant to be that way.
Paper piecing has always been something I have wanted to try. This inspires me to try something.
Love the blocks !
Those stars are beutiful.
YAY ~ ~ ~ I agree with you about changing the name of the Rattlesnake. What ever name you choose will be better than rattlesnake. If you have a contest to name it you will be bombarded with commenters. (*._,*) Might be fun too.
Those stars are magnificent ! Resembles kaleidoscope block's. Love them !
Gorgeous block, I really must give paper piecing ago.
Carol's state blocks are such dramatic ones--and fun to make, as I remember. I set mine aside so many months go. They definitely now have UFO status.
You certainly made the best of a design opportunity, mixing up the A and B piles. I like your finished block. What size are your blocks? I think mine are 10".
Wow, these stars are so fantastic.
Greetings from GErmany Grit
moi qui aime les étoiles
(même ma fille s'appelle Stella )
je trouve celles ci splendides !!!!!!
votre blog est un grand bonheur
Sometimes it is easier to change the plan than to take it apart to correct it!
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