Thursday, December 16, 2010

Playing in the Kaffe scrap bin............

It was errand day yesterday so I wasn't home very much.  Last night I had to fondle some fabric so I started digging through the bin of Kaffe scraps for more journal cover ideas.

I know this looks like a black and white photo, but this is color, the color outside my kitchen window at night.  The bunny sets off the motion detector light and I set my camera for night photos.  I haven't wanted to walk through the snow to the backyard feeders so I have been throwing bird seed out the kitchen window.  In the daytime the squirrels and birds eat it and at night the bunnies come and clean up whatever is left.

My orange Christmas cactus has started to bloom.  It only has 5 buds but I'm happy to finally have one bloom for Christmas.

Don't forget to visit Stash Manicure today for my guest appearance.


Unknown said...

Now getting into Kaffe scraps that is definitely something I can sink my hands into!! Cute bunny too!! Off to Stash Manicure.

Barbara said...

So excited to see you share all your beautiful quilt tops and ideas today on Stash Manicure, Wanda - everybody needs to see what you can do with little pieces of fabric !

I did have to laugh at all the unquilted tops, lady. That is a LOT of tops hanging there.

Your tut for the book cover is wonderful and I think the best around

dear photo of the bunny

Mary said...

Delightful post on Stash Manicure. I am always amazed at your stash and its organization.

Dana Gaffney said...

I was happy to see you over at Stash Manicure. I too had to laugh at the unquilted tops, although I like your reasoning, I may borrow it.

Sparky said...

I am sew happy you joined us Wanda..and a hit you are...blessings to you today, always..

Cindy F said...

Loved your post on Stash Manicure and glad I came by to visit your blog!

Ellen said...

i love your blog and it is the one i visit first every day. You were fantastic on Stash Manicure and i printed out the box directions and plan to make several of them.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Great post on Stash Manicure!
I wish I had bunnies in my yard to clean up after the messy birds.

Laura said...

Great post over at Stash Manicure!

Love those Kaffe scraps. Now that I have a nice collection of Kaffe fabrics, I need to get going on a quilt so I can have Kaffe scraps to play with LOL.

I feed the birds here too, but the hawks have figured that out as well and have started showing up for their own breakfast. Yesterday morning one was waiting patiently on the wall just above the feeding area. Needless to say, the little birds did not get their food until later...

Char said...

Glad the Cactus finally bloomed. Mine are still blooming. Lots of buds this year.

Char said...

Ops, I forgot I'm headed over to Stash Manicure.

Maria said...

I just love your Kaffe fabric scraps!

Great night photo.Cactus is looking pretty. Did you get another one??

Really great post at Stash Manicure Wanda.

Unknown said...

Wanda, great post on Stash Manicure! You have a bright and cheery voice, I am going to start following your blog, too...

Thanks for the peek into your stash. Maybe I should come visit you and help you with your "lights" bin...I don't have enough of those! ;-)

Oh, btw, I counted the tops...there are 20 of them showing (I'm sure you didn't show us all of them!)

Love the scrappy strip tops, too, I keep fixin' to make myself one of those someday...

Connie - Boise, ID

hetty said...

Loved your post on Stash Manicure! That bin of Kaffe scraps looks inviting! Cute bunny shot and your Christmas cactus looks very Christmassy.

Sharon said...

Very cute bunny. and whoohoo to the blooms, what a pretty color. Well, I'm off to stash mgt to see what you have to say over there!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I'm still wanting to do some journal covers, but right now the house is in turmoil with the quilt frame assembly. But I can so identify with the need to fondle fabric. That's how our daughter ended up with a new pillowcase last night. Had to be done. LOL!

Elsie Montgomery said...

My comments went to Stash Manicure too, but I just have to say that our bunnies are snow white... and will be for a long time. After a blizzard yesterday, I think it is time to move back to Illinois!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

love your bunny photo. Great post at Stash Manicure. Glad so many others can meet you there! I was a little surprised by all of your hanging tops - I thought you finished them as quickly as you made them:) I like how they are still yours!!! can I use that as my excuse to?!

Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

Love the post! Love your Kaffe box of leftovers! Love seeing your Christmas Cactus blooming.

I have to check my camera for a night setting, wonder if I have that? Funny how they turn out looking black and white. I have noticed taking winter pictures on a cloudy day can look that way too. It is the telltale blue sky that gives the clue to color!

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

Wanda I'm glad so many more people got to meet you through Stash Manicure, great job! I like your very colorful and interesting Kaffe scrap box; I recognized some of the fabrics in your lights box as part of my stash. Nice catcus bloom, didn't you have a red one last year?
ps - today's word is "cargor"


Nifty Quilts said...

Hi Wanda,

What a great post on the Stash Manicure blog! You've been making quilts for 52 years?! Your look is still fresh and new. Congratulations!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Your bunnies don't turn white for the winter?