Thursday, August 9, 2018

A little retail therapy............

I am not a cook but I love to bake.  We went to a store full of kitchen items and I had to come home with a few.  I haven't made cut out cookies for a long time but I had to have 3 butterfly cookie cutters.  It is always nice to have a new spatula and especially a decorated one.
Here is the other side of my horoscope sign spatula.

We couldn't resist the little spatulas for the little great-grandsons who love to help their mom in the kitchen.

They were decorated on both sides too.  We saw the little guys last night and they loved their gift.


patty a. said...

A kitchen supply store is almost as dangerous as a fabric store for me! Those spatulas are great! I have never seen any like that before. I use to be awful at making cut out cookies until I got a recipe from one of the mother's who brought cut out cookies as the treat to my son's little league games. They were so good and easy to make. It has been my go to recipe ever since. I will have to send you a copy as an option. I make a powder sugar glaze to go over the top rather than icing and it is just the right amount of sweetness.

patty a. said...

I forgot to say, I love that fabric with the circles and squares you used for the background in the pictures. Very cool fabric!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Sounds like fun. Butterflies are great. Glad you you get out and about.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

We used to love to go to the Outlet Mall in Michigan City. They have a kitchen store and it's always fun to browse and find new things. I miss going there, but Terry can't walk that much anymore without getting too tired. I'm pretty sure Bed Bath and Beyond is the closest thing we have to it near me in Mishawaka. You have to give the marketing teams credit for creativity, don't you!
xx, Carol

Quiltdivajulie said...

Fun spatulas! I love kitchen stores -- SO much to look at. Good idea to get the small ones for the little guys.

Hedy said...

Yes! Love kitchen stores with every gadget in the world. I don’t buy much now but still enjoy them.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love wandering through a kitchen supply store with my daughter - but I must admit most of the time we find things at the antique/flea markets that we like just as much. I hope you are healing and getting your strength back. Soon you will be back to normal I'm sure and to your routine. It must be nice having your daughter with you though for a long visit while you recover

Sylvia Anderson said...

Good morning Wanda.....We never get too old for gadgets do we? I'm always on the lookout for one that will make baking easier. Love the Scorpio one for yourself, and think the Superhero ones, fashioned for kids, is fabulous. I watch a couple of food competition programs on TV, namely, Kids Baking Championship on the Food channel, and MasterChef Junior on Fox, hosted by Gordon Ramsey. It's quite amazing what accomplished cooks and bakers these young children have become, at such a tender age, some under the age of 10. The MasterChef Junior show features children who compete in all phases of cooking, including baking, so this show is on a much higher scale than the other one. They are amazing and I've picked up a lot of tips by watching these programs. Enjoy your day.

Needled Mom said...

Those spatulas are super cute. I can see the little ones really enjoying using them. Looking forward to seeing your butterflies made into cookies.

JJM said...

We all agree, we LOVE kitchen stores ! Scorpio's are Focused, Balanced and Brave , (*._.*) Me too, I like that we are. Thanks for sharing your fun selections right down to the spatulas for your great grandsons.


Anonymous said...

Hello. I finally got caught up reading your blog. I was about 6 weeks behind. I also had surgery and have finally got back to part time work between my physical therapy appointments. I loved the pictures of the
quilts with your flower gardens on Aug.3rd especially the daisy burst.
I hope you are feeling better each day. It is so nice to see all of
your flowers outdoors and your beautiful quilts you make.
Have a great day and rest of the week!

Kay in Kansas

Shelina said...

I've bought a bunch of cookie cutters - mostly at the end of the season sale. I figure I can always use them to cut out applique shapes even if I don't get around to making cookies. I should use them one of these days . . .