Thursday, January 14, 2016

Star points...........

It took me three times as long to decide which 2 fabrics to use than it did to cut and sew them.  I haven't sewn the seam between the star points yet.  Next I need to cut the squares for the 4 patches in the corners.  Check back here to see what I am making.
The book says we are cutting the pieces over sized so they can be trimmed to be accurate.  It was pretty close as you can see from the teeny tiny trimmings.


Anonymous said...

What is size of this block?

Sewing Junkie said...

Looks like another winner. Have fun making them. Chris

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful. Colors are great.

Linda Swanekamp said...

The points of the star are so unusual. Making them with rectangles instead of squares gives a whole different look. Love the colors of them.

Gene Black said...

I am a bit curious as to the size of the block also.

Shelina said...

That is a pretty block, and I love the fabric combination. The star points are not at a 45 degree angle, are they? Love the effect they have with that different angle.

patty a. said...

Those are some fun fabrics. You have a circle theme going on. The variation of the scale of the prints is making this work as well as the color choices. I can't wait to see how this evolves!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that is an interesting block - like the colors too

Cathy said...

It's a beautiful block. Looking forward to seeing how the quilt turns out. Hugs

dls said...

Wonderful choice of colors and fabric…..curious as to what you are doing next!

Sally in Saint Paul said...

Yesterday must have been the day to have challenges picking fabric. I spent a lot of time picking out six fabrics for a lone star. Lay some out, leave them for while, go back and look, change a couple, leave them again, etc.- you know the routine-
but now the fun of cutting and sewing!

JJM said...

Hi Wanda ~ Just catching up again with many of your posts since Christmas. Makes me happy to visit your blog and see all you have accomplished. As usual you produce more than ten of put together. Always love your designs and colorful fabrics.


Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

The sewing is the easy part. The design, colours and combinations need time! I get all stressed, when I try to mix and match, takes me ages!

Needled Mom said...

It may have taken longer, but it definitely makes all the difference.

Mystic Quilter said...

What a beauty, this is going to be a wonderful cent of a medallion.

SueR said...

What a cool looking block--pattern, colors, fabric choices--can't wait for the finish!