Monday, January 11, 2016


It was below 10 degrees all day yesterday.  We have had a mild winter up to this point so that made it feel even colder.

I sewed this together yesterday.  It is lumpy, bumpy, too many seams trying to meet.  I have a few points cut off, a few seams not meeting.  I'm not going to take any of it apart though.

 I have a new book on medallion quilts, one of the Stash books published by C&T.  I will be studying the ideas in it to make the above square into a medallion quilt.

If you go HERE you can see some of the quilts in the book.

There are line drawings of all of the quilts too and I love that feature.

This is one of my favorite quilts in the book and my sketch of the center block I will use plus 2 ideas for corner blocks.

I have these 2 blocks left over from a Bear Paw quilt I made a few years ago and the blocks happen to be the same size as the center block used in the book.  I think I'll probably use the top block.


Sewing Junkie said...

I think it is wonderful you can use the leftovers and make a lovely quilt out of them. I need to relook at my orphan blocks and see what I can come up with. Stay warm Chris said...

This looks like fun!! The book looks interesting too. We are cold too, and have a bit of snow to go with the cold!!!

Mayleen said...

I recommend that book too! If I didn't have so many projects in process right now, it would be tempting to make a quilt using the ideas in the book. I really like the your block (top?) in the first photo of your post!

MontyBear said...

Beautiful book. Will be on my wishlist. Also, I can't tell you how comforting it was to hear you say you weren't taking something out that you thought was less than perfect. I do that as well. Unless something REALLY bothers me every time I look at it, I make do. If the overall effect of the quilt is not blemished, then move on................I guess that is a metaphor for life???
I finally finished the red/purple blue triangle stripe quilt that I purchased from you. I handquilted it with varigated thread and it is BEAUTIFUL. I have it in my living room.

Debbie said...

As busy as that center unit is, I don't think a few lumps/points will show in the end. Of course, I love it and the overall effect :) Stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the lumps and bumps and cut-off points. Good for you, brazening that out.

My rule of thumb is, if "Nobody will notice from a trotting horse" (an old saying of my grandmother's), then I leave it in. If something is going to "bother me until the end of eternity" (not my grandmother's phrase), then I take it out and re-do it.

I love the flying geese in there!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that looks like a great book to have

Linda Swanekamp said...

The colors are beautiful. I am more interested in the overall look than the seams meeting perfect. When it all meets, I am amazed. I have improved, but I am not a machine. Fabric has a mind of its own.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

I need to add a stash buster book to my collection. I was making progress on reducing the size of my growing fabric collection and then found a quilt shop which sold great fabrics for $5.00 yard

patty a. said...

I am sure you will make something beautiful with the center block. When I worked at the shop that made custom clothes for people who showed western horses, some of the girls would get upset if a detail on jacket wasn't "perfect". Of course they had the piece 6" from their face. I would take the jacket, walk across the room, and move it up and down like a person riding a horse. I would then ask them if they see any issues. They usually answered with a laugh and a no. Over all the women did very high quality work so little goofs would really upset them. No one will ever notice the lumps, bumps, and cut off points! They will just see the overall wonderfulness of your creation!

Mary said...

Stay warm, Wanda, and this project is already a masterpiece. I can't wait to see it develop.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Looks like you will definitely do some interesting things with the ideas in this book . . . we've been solidly frozen for two days - SO different from the record breaking HIGH temps at Christmas.

Vivian said...

Lumps and bumps aren't our favorite things to find in a block, but just look at all that Kaffe gloriousness! That's the important part. Well done, Wanda.
Couple days of ugly temps here too, and more this week. Sunday was the worst, so it's all a warming trend after that. Stay warm and walk carefully!

Hedy said...

That block is so beautiful, I doubt anyone would ever have noticed the small errors. It's cold here too and we had the kitchen being fixed and the guys had to go in and out the house constantly, I was so cold inside the house !

rondiquilts said...

I love medallion quilts and keep gravitating to them when I start a new project. I love the idea of designing as you go. Can't wait to see what you do!


Mystic Quilter said...

Looks like a lovely book for Medallion Quilt lovers - thanks for showing us, I have just ordered this one!!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, yippee yay! I love it when I can use one of my saved treasures in a new project. I know yours will be a winner.

Sharon said...

I have been making medallion quilts lately and I love them. Just got the second one hand quilted, need to bind. Can't wait to see what you create

Purple Pam said...

That book looks scrumptious. What a great find. I have a couple of bigger blocks that I have been thinking about making into the center of a medallion quilt. Maybe it is time to pull them out and play.

Marie said...

It's just gorgeous, lumps, bumps and all. And that book looks great too - I'll have to look for it. Thanks Wanda.

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

Fun colors! One of my favorite quilts has chopped off points. Sometimes I think we are our own worst critics. I like it and am glad you are not going to take it apart!

Charlotta said...

Exciting plans, I look forward to what develops! Quite cold here as well, but I'm OK with that. Just very thankful we didn't get any of the promised snow as I'm leaving tomorrow for a quilt retreat and my car doesn't handle the snow AT ALL. Last year I missed a retreat because I was snowed in, and I'm determined not to let that happen this year. Unfortunately, I have one scheduled in February as well, so I'm tempting the weather gods.

ekquilter said...

thanks, I love the way the fabric JUMPS out at you.

Kerry said...

What a beautiful block of colour! That will be a lovely medallion.
Regards, Kerry

Shelina said...

Wow - this quilt is fantastic. Love all the flying geese and the gorgeous exuberant colors. I bought that book last year, and do want to make a medallion quilt soon.