Last shipment..........
Here are all 24 of the final shipment of mug rugs to NC. I was in such a hurry to get them boxed up that I forgot to take a photo of just the last 3 rainbow pieces. I ended up with 9 of African fabric, 5 of Kaffe fabric, 7 rainbows.
I cropped out the bottom corner so I could show the 2 diagonal striped rainbows better. The one on the bottom right is my favorite. I will have a mug with Rainbow River printed on it sitting on that one as a display at the show. Some people will be seeing mug rugs for the first time and need to see how they are used. I ordered mugs with a variety of quilts printed on them as well as note cards and postcards. I had them shipped straight to NC so I haven't seen them yet but my daughter says they look great.
An update on my Intuitive Color classes in NC: Saturday's class is filled with a waiting list but there are still openings for Monday and Thursday.
I'm repeating this link to the promotion for the show for anyone who might have missed it on Sunday. I was happy they used Rainbow River for it because it really says Exuberant Color well.
Time is growing near. I bet you are excited. The mug rugs are so neat all lined up in your photo. I am sure you will have a fun time. Chris
Ah, is this your last shipment? if so you must feel some relief.
I'm excited, yes, I'm excited because I am taking the class on Thursday !! =]
Your daughter has really done a great job, spreading the word, Miss Wanda ! This is going to be SO much fun!
You will have a blast and they will love you! Can't wait to see pix of your displays and hear all about it. Love these latest mug might get to 100 yet!
The big day will be here before you know it. Best of luck to you! I'm sure it will go well. The mug rugs are beautiful, by the way! It would be hard to decide on one. :)
I know these are mug rugs but gee, they look really cool all grouped together. You could just buy a bunch and hang them together as art.
I absolutely love the rainbow ones!
Love the rainbow mug rugs! What a cheerful sight it must be to see all those in person!
I hope you take loads of pictures of the quilts and mug rugs at your show.
So now all there is to do is sit around baking cookies and making fudge, right?
Oh, Wanda, they are all beautiful. You are going to have such a good time!
You must be getting very excited by now. I wish you all the best for the Show.
BTW, I have just finished reading all your posts from March 1 forward but didn't leave comments, sorry. It's good to finally have a fast internet connection!
Your mug rugs are so colorful, just like your quilts. I would have a difficult time picking out which one I like best!
A whopping lots of goodness, Rayna
Kripes, Wanda, my mind must be in a feeble stage today. I know you're Wanda and I'm Gerry [with the wonky brain.]
♥ ♥ ♥
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