Birds and blooms....
I only got 2 photos of the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks and this was the clearest of the 2, blurry as it is. I thought maybe they wouldn't come at the regular time because we had such a warm March. I looked up previous years' photos though and see that they are right on time. I wonder if this is the female because there is a smaller rose colored spot on it. I saw the male at the bird feeder but a squirrel chased him away before I could get his picture.
The other stalk of buds on the Amaryllis has opened and there are 3 flowers. The third bud is small and not opened yet. The art quilters are coming tomorrow so I spent part of the day yesterday cleaning the basement. I baked one batch of cookies last night and will do the other batch today.
What a beautiful Amaryllis flower! Wow!
Hi Wanda,
Your amaryllis is amazing. It is just happy you rescued it from the garage!
Your grosbeak may be a immature male; the females are brown with nice markings and the distinctive beak, making them good "hiders". In my area the males are the first to arrive and the first to leave in the fall. (I haven't seen one yet; maybe today! I love grosbeaks.)
Vicky F
Love seeing the birds!! And that Amaryllis is just gorgeous!
We, too have grosbeaks..Ours came just a little late this year because of the strange weather pattern. We could identify three pair this year which is about what we see each year.. They come every Spring and stay about three weeks and then come back through in the fall. They are such beautiful birds. Enjoyed seeing yours.
I've never seen those birds before so thank you for taking the pics. Joan
We've been enjoying 'our' grosbeaks too; two males and one female so far. I'm hoping for another female to come so the smaller guy won't feel like a third-wheel. There are several male and female photos here:
We just saw our first ever female Baltimore oriole! It seems to like the taste of our suet... So Exciting!!
I love seeing your birds and flowers. I think in the 20+ years we've lived in this house I've seen a grosbeak once.
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