Time to finish something.....
When I finish quilting a piece with a polyester thread I like to let it relax a few days before I trim it and put on the binding. This one ended up waiting a few weeks while I decided what to use for binding. I have very little of any of the fabrics in the top left over and I couldn't find any other piece that looked right. I finally decided to try the same fabric as the inner border which I had barely enough of. I had to cut the strips in half and insert a small piece of another green that matches quite well to make the color sequence follow the inner border. I like it. I have one side hand finished so maybe I can finish the other 3 sides and the hanging sleeve today.
It is almost impossible to get a true color photo of the cacti. They are near an east window and too much daylight washes out the colors and not enough makes a dark photo. I'll try it with a flash next time. If I move them to a better location for a photo I take a chance of the buds and flowers falling off. The 2 tone flowers are quite pretty.
Bindings are like picture frames - the right one will make or mar the picture (quilt). Looks like you've managed to make yours perfectly!
The binding looks great and the colours of the cactus are gorgeous!
The color in the cactus fits your theme. The binding looks just right for the quilt. Adds color to the walls when the winter months appear. Chris
from what I could see the binding looks great to me, it is always hard though working with a piece that might not be quite long enough!
Lovely quilt and lovely flowers! Mine are in bloom too and are a beautiful spot of colour against a window that shows my roof covered in snow. Sigh!
A nice finish to this quilt. I really like the same fabric used for binding as you used as the inner border. I had forgotten about letting the piece relax before setting on the binding. Good reminder.
I never get tired of seeing your plants in bloom. Just gorgeous.
The 2-tone flowers are stunning! Lucky you.
That last cactus photo has it glowing like a precious jewel. Beautiful! Your binding really looks good, too.
My mother had beautiful Christmas Cacti. Seeing yours makes me think of her. I wish I had kept them after she died.
Your cacti are beautiful. I know what you mean about moving the plant. I have one lonely little cactus plant that I have had for years. It hasn't given me but one bud the last two years. I love to see the colors and shades on your blossoms. Just beautiful!
Oh, I love your blooming cactus. I had one from my grandma that had been shared among family for close to 100 years--and when I moved into this house, the whole thing died! I'm glad yours is doing so well, but I understand from experience about moving one and having all the blossoms fall off. Just beautiful!
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