Sunday, September 8, 2013

2 piles of blocks.................

I was cleaning off a table in the basement and found a pile of star blocks (from here) and some Kaffe 16 patch blocks left over from this quilt.  There were 25 blocks of each kind, 50 total so 6 x 8 would be 48 blocks.  It will measure about 48" x 64" when sewn together.  I think I'll put a border on it to increase the size a little.  I thought about putting the blocks on point, but I wanted an easy project.
I finished another 2 tone dishcloth.  Both balls had some of the same colors so I thought they would look good together.  Since the center color was the end of a ball I had to estimate how many rows to knit with the lighter color.  This time it came out balanced with the same number of rows of the lighter color on both corners.

33 comments: said...

The stars and patches were bright enough to get a 'pretty' from the 2 yr old!!!! They do look nice. I wonder how many other quilters would love to find enough blocks sitting around to make a quilt!!!!!!

HollyM said...

It would take me a year to make that many blocks and you just find them, lol!
It's really pretty though. I don't think it needed to be on point. The star blocks have that effect anyway.

Gunilla said...

Congratulations, the blocks did go very well together.
Gunilla in Sweden

*kd. said...

Gosh! This quilt was totally meant to be. It just happened and it sparkles.

Sewing Junkie said...

Whether it is planned or not it looks really pretty. Maybe I should go look for finished blocks. I know I have some. Chris

Rebecca said...

Is there a pattern somewhere for this dishcloth? I have been searching and can't seem to find one that is knitted. The Sugar'nCream had crocheted instructions in the label. Thanks for any help you could give me. And the quilt is lovely!!

Mary said...

I love the new quilt. I'm looking forward to see the border you add.

Susan said...

Oh, I love the stars with the 16-patch blocks...very pretty!

Nice dishcloth too! (Are you keeping track of how many you have made?)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Rebecca Stevens, you are a no reply commenter so please contact me with the email link in my profile or on my right side bar and I'll send you the pattern for the dishcloth.

Needled Mom said...

What a great block combination. That looks fabulous and I love the dishcloth too.

Rosa said...

These stars are simply beautiful.I love all!

suemac said...

Love how the stars and sixteen patch blocks look together.

Hannah said...

What a great FIND!

Candace said...

What a great idea to put these two together! It's beautiful!

MulticoloredPieces said...

Ok, Wanda. Does this mean that you forgot all those great blocks??????
best, nadia said...

love all your exciting pieces. The dish cloths would make nice gifty items, can I receive your directions?
Paulette In VA

Cathi said...

What a fabulous bonus quilt! Those blocks were meant to go together!

Anonymous said...

This quilt really hit me! I think you couldn't have planned any thing better.Great fine.Wig.

lindaroo said...

The blocks look so great together! I really like how some of the star corners blend in with the adjacent patches, leaving star hexagons.
And your dishcloths are so attractive! I don't know how you estimate how much yarn is left on a partial skein, and how far it will go in the middle of a project!

Linda Swanekamp said...

I guess when you are good, I mean great, at choosing colors, finds like this should be no surprise that they look like they were meant to be together. The only think I every find is lint.

Anonymous said...

Wanda, the stars and squares look great together. The Kaffe prints look fabo in there too (of course don't they always have a great showing?) :)


Jean said...

They look really nice they were made for each other. I love it that they were leftovers!

Nifty Quilts said...

I love this combination! The stars with their high contrast, and then the Kaffe low contrast blocks.

GO STARS! said...

I like the combo of the stars and 16patch blocks together.

hetty said...

I love how those blocks go together. Can't wait to see what borders you will put on.

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you about an Etsy shop I have ordered lots of Kaffe fabrics from:

I even sent her a message asking for fabrics she didn't have listed and she helped me out with FQs and half yards of what I needed. Very good prices and fast shipping too.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

how funny to find so many blocks just waiting to be put together! have the work already done. (or should I say fun)

Nancy said...

An excellent combo... they were made to go together! Serendipity.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Don't you just love it when things go together this well! It is really pretty - the quilt top and the dishcloth. You are the color master, for sure!

Teri said...

Wow, how much fabric do you have? I have only been following your blog for a few months - I love the colors. Are you giving these quilts to friends and family or do you donate or maybe sell them?

Sheila said...

Love how this one is coming together. I'm knitting with the ends of yarn balls, too : D

Rebecca said...

I cannot seem to get the email link to work to send you my address. But I appreciate your offer to send me the dishcloth instructions so I am sending another message here and will check email follow-up comments and hopefully that will work. Thank you so much!!!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Rebecca, try msfab14 at yahoo dot com.