More blocks.......
I had a relaxing sewing and reading day yesterday. I finished the 16 blocks that I had started the night before. Now I need to cut a lot more light strips before I can go any farther. I pulled a pile of Kaffe fabrics to cut and I have some batik strips already cut that I just need to cut into lengths for the logs.
Since I was watching Series 1 of "Bones" on Netflix I had to keep sewing. I went down to the basement and cut a bunch more light triangles and then sewed 8 new star blocks. Since I'm having more fun with the log cabin blocks than the stars, I will make just one more star block and put them in the 4 x 6 configuration and add a border or 2 for a nice lap quilt and be done with this one. I have several projects I need to get serious about. I will have some quilts on display at the Ciel Gallery in Charlotte NC again in February and that means I need to get a few quilted.
This is what I am reading. I read it at least 5 years ago and knew that I would read it again some day. I love Rosamunde Pilcher's style of writing and have read many of her novels. I decided the best day to start reading was on the winter solstice. I'm about a third of the way through it and am enjoying it as much as I did the first time.
I loved the Shell Seekers . I loved it so much I bought several from charity shops whenever I saw them and passed them on to anyone who said they had not read it . I never parted with my own copy . Then Winter solstice came out and I was hooked again .
you must read ---Sun on Sand by
Alexandra Raife . another great writer and it's a beautiful story . Her books are about Scotland .
This morning I am being lulled by Andrea Bocelli the blind singer .Any singer with a foreign accent makes me melt .
So glad you are getting back into sewing and reading. The stress of the last couple months had to play on you. I like the stars even though you don't like to sew them as well. Enjoy the process of cutting and sewing Chris
What a perfect way to spend the day! I can't remember if I read that one or not. I'm currently reading a few ebooks from the library that I have on my I pad.
I loved all Rosamund Pilcher's books. I was so sad when she stopped writing. Her son Robin Pilcher's books are just not the same. Enjoy the rest of your week. You put us all to shame with your productivity!
I have read some of her books but it has been awhile.
I love the KF and batik log cabin blocks. Stars very nice, too. Haven't read any Pilcher books.
Maybe you will have another opportunity to teach in NC again.
You were lucky to have such a peaceful day. We had to traipse around to relatives' houses for Christmas and I was just so wishing to be home and sewing instead. I have not read a Rosamund Pilicher book in years, but always enjoyed them. I will see if there are any at the library today.
You are a woman after my own heart! Quilting with Kaffe fabrics and reading R. Pilcher are both things that I absolutely love! Winter Solstice is worth a re-read, I agree. I may just do it myself...but then there's that wonder Shell Seekers which is just as good, so how to decide??? Glad you had such a wonderful day of sewing! The star quilt is gorgeous!
As I am cutting scraps, I'm also cutting pieces for a very scrappy log cabin (one that may or may not go liberated). I've always wanted to make one - and seeing your LC quilts really motivates me to get busy.
The Kaffes and the batiks are wonderful together! I'm re-reading an R. Pilcher book too...(loved Winter Solstice)
Stitchin' and reading...what a perfect day! Will be adding Winter Solstice to my list! Thanks for another lovely blog post!
I attempted to get some sewing done yesterday but just could not find the motivation. Hopefully today I will get going again!
Your log cabins are looking so pretty. I'm tempted, but trying to finish one started long ago first.
The book does sound good. I looked on our library website and they have the audio version, so I'm downloading it. Thanks!
Wonderful piecing--but I'm even happier that you managed some time with Rosamunde Pilcher. I so enjoyed her books.
I am with you on the log cabins. They are striking.
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