Mug rug, bird nest........
This is the smallest mug rug that I have made. It is 5.75" x 8.5". Behind it is the wallhanging I finished quilting made from the African fabric crooked cobblestones. I have the binding ready for the hand sewing.
My Sunday newspaper was wet yesterday morning. The delivery people have not gotten the concept of double wrapping on wet days. I called it in and I was looking out to see if it had been redelivered yet when I remembered I hadn't taken a photo of the bird nest in my forsythia bush. It's lucky that I didn't decide to trim the bush back this past summer. I don't have any idea which bird species makes a nest like this. Now I have to decide whether to leave the nest there or remove it.
I am guessing a brown thrasher or a catbird. They typically build in bushes rather than trees. The nests also look like this one. Be watching in the spring. They usually return to the same bush to nest again.
that nest sure is low in the bush, lucky a cat didn't find it. We were lucky and no rain yesterday - didn't want it on a travel day.
The mug rug is a real gem! I read your posts for the last couple of days and you are keeping very busy! The nest is sweet - reminds me of the saying a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush - is that right? LOL!
The mug rug is beautiful! I see no snow where you're at, either. I don't think we'll have a white Christmas here in Iowa again this year.
We had a bird nest in a tree in our front yard for years. I still wonder where the little bird went when the hurricane took out the tree. My children loved monitoring the nest and watching the little ones learn to fly.
have you posted a photo of that African wall hanging? I love those fabrics!
Pretty mug rug. I like the colors and fabrics.
That nest is tucked right in there, isn't it? We have mockingbirds who make nests like that in our bushes.
I always enjoy your displays... mug, mug rug, AND wall hanging. I love to see combinations that blend so well. Is that one of your designs on the mug also ?
I love birds nests. One had blown out of a tree and I put it in a rusty ole bird cage, that I have displayed on my patio table. I want to find a humming bird nest so much, and still have never found one.
Just love that mug rug. That's a good size. I'm visualizing a muffin on napkin next to cup.
We used to buy fresh christmas trees and in the last one we brought home there was a nest which we left inside the branches. Whenit was time to ditch the tree, we took the nest and wrapped it up. We put it in our artificial christmas tree every year with little birdies inside(imitation of course!)
Another pretty mug rug, and how neat to find a bird nest where you could get such a good photo!
Just checking in for the second time today and notice how GREEN the grass still is ! OMG and it is the 17th of Dec. !
That nest is beautiful, and so is the mug rug. I just made a couple mug rugs myself. Not as artistic as yours, but they'll do the job.
I am always fascinated by the way birds weave the materials they use for their nests. They manage to build them in the most surprising places.
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