Saturday, October 7, 2017

3 ways to make Hunter Star quilts.........

One way to do Hunter Star is in scrappy format with 8 different triangle sections making up each block.  I really like it and probably will continue making blocks like this.

Another way is to have all 8 of the triangles that make a star block of the same 2 fabrics.  This is the first Hunter Star quilt top that I made in 2015.

The third way was the layout of my most recent Hunter Star quilt top.  In this one the quarter square blocks are 2 triangles from the same fabric combination sewn together and placed diagonally across from each other and a second combination is in the other 2 corners.  In this quilt each fabric pair is in 2 blocks rather than all in the same block as in the photo above.  That makes this one look a little more scrappy but not as random as the first photo.

You can see that a little more clearly in the shot of one block.

I hope this gives you more ideas for playing with the blocks if you make a Hunter Star quilt.

I'm going to add this notice to the bottom of every post for a few days.  I realize that cellphone readers don't see my sidebar unless they click on "view web version" so they would miss the opportunity to sign up.
Take a look at the new sign up form on the right side bar of my blog (or click on the link).  I'll be opening a new online store soon and will be offering quilts, quilt tops, fabric kits and more.  I'd love for you to be first in line when the store opens.


Mindy said...

Wanda, you must never sleep! Best wishes for the new store.

Debbie said...

Great comparison post. I love them all!

Hedy said...

All of these Hunter Star quilt tops are unique with 'the Wanda' stamp on them. Good idea about adding the link, I'm using my cell for my wifi and hope I was able to sign up correctly yesterday.

Gene Black said...

My favorite by far is the first -scrappy version.

Sylvia Anderson said...

I'm with Gene and love the 1st. scrappy quilt, although they are all unique in their own way. Have a great week-end.

Pat said...

I love all of the versions. I was in your neck of the woods last week. I have my quilts quilted in Plano. I think of you whenever I get in that area. Good luck with the shop!!!

Shelina said...

All three versions are fabulous. I haven't made a Hunter's Star.

Lynn Dykstra said...

Wanda, I love your latest Hunter star setting

GranChris said...

I love a great Hunter's Star. My King Size is waiting to be quilted then it will go on my bed.

Kerry said...

Thank you for showing the different options. It's a quilt I'd love to make (one day) and the top picture looks like cut gem stones. I'm not sure whether it's the fabric making it look that way or perhaps a close up view. Very pretty. And your most recent one just looks like it shimmers! Love quilts and the effects, secondary patterns and oh the fabrics!!!! :D

EYSchmitt said...

I love Hunter's Star in every combination you have here! I have a king-size one in the making in white and scrap reds-just dozens of blocks at this point. These recent posts have inspired me to get busy with a layout. Thanks for all the inspiration. And keep getting better.

Лёка said...

спасибо! нужно попробовать сшить как у тебя.