Outside color........
Yesterday I went out in the early evening to pull some more weeds and to clean dead leaves off the tomato plants. When I was ready to come in I noticed how beautiful the color is in this plant in the fading daylight. I have another one in a pot on the other side of the door but it suffered in the heat of the summer and stayed pretty small.
I just set pots with plants in them in the area where I dug out the aster plants earlier this summer. I didn't want to plant annuals in the ground this year.
The cookies are baked and the art quilters are coming today.
I think color in the gardens is always the best in the Fall. Last glory before they die back. Chris
This year I have some beautiful coleus. Remind me again how you winter them over. Cuttings? What kind of indoor location?
It's starting to look fall-ish in the garden. You have had a busy week. Have fun with the art quilters.
Your plants look great, especially that first plant. Mums are being sold here now and I will be planting a few, is summer already over?
So it's fall already up north? Summer definitely lasts through August if not September as well around here, and we usually cannot begin to look for cooler weather until the end of September or early October. But for some blessed reason it's been unseasonably cool and wonderful lately. Actually bearable and even enjoyable. Temps during the days in the low 80s or even high 70s and at night as low as the low 60s. It's unheard of for August, but very much appreciated by this person who really doesn't do well with heat and humidity!
You plants are so pretty. I have to go out and work in the yard and the flower beds. Since all I was doing was working on that t-shirt quilt the yard has gone downhill. My pink zinnias look pretty good though. They seem to attract butterflies.
That is a beautiful plant with many shades of color. Hope you had lots of fun with the art quilters!!
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