We finally got some rain yesterday. One storm rolled through around 10 in the morning and the other storms after 9 at night. Maybe our crunchy brown grass will turn green again.
My gallery show ends at 5 p.m. today at Ciel Gallery in Charlotte NC. This month has just flown by.
I really love these Char!
The quilting just adds to it!
I am glad you are doing well.
Wanda! I love these and just had to pin them on Pinterest. What a super idea and reminiscent of colorwash, without all the agony. So fun!
And congratulations on the sales at your gallery show.
Wanda, those are simply lovely either way, but I agree that the unquilted ones look like palette knife paintings.
Congrats to the lucky owner of the center one!
Wanda, I LOVE them all!! How much for the one on the far left? I would be interested if you are selling them?
Glad you are getting rain. I wish we were have had no significant rain since the end of April.
The colors are beautiful. Almost like a kaleidoscope image that is ever changing. We got rain 1.3 inches and more to come today, but still hot hot hot! Chris
BELLISSIMI, MERAVIGLIOSI - Amazing, fantastic these 3 mini quilts.
ciao ciao Linda
Those are wonderful. They remind me of palettes too. I love them both ways - quilted and not.
Wow. I love them. I could kick myself because I have been throwing away my scraps that small. No more.
How did you finish the edges of these mini quilts?
Wow! I have obviously not been paying enough attention! I can't work out how you get from the scrappy pieces to the finished quilt!
They are so beautiful. Would love to buy one.
Those are very cool!
Good lord, everyone is under a heat wave and I can't get my lawn mowed due to rain. Oh, it's raining again right now. LOVE the unfinished look, you gave the best description of them.
Hi Wanda! I was leaving Charlotte today, and realized it was the last day of your show, so I swung by Ciel Gallery and had a look at your quilts. They are indeed, vibrant and stunning! I spoke with your daughter, who is so very proud of you. I'm sure she thinks I'm an idiot because I told her I'd just bought some brilliant batiks, only I said "boutiques!" What a doufous! I don't know if it was the heat or my age! Anyway, your work is gorgeous and inspiring. I have my brilliant "boutiques" laid out before me on the coffee table right now! Thank you for sharing your quilts with Charlotte. Karla
Unfinished they remind me of peering into a wild jungle (without my glasses - lol), but I like both versions - finished and unfinished. I just like the way you put color and pattern together. We got rain today, too. Thank God! We need it.
The month flew by, but what a milestone. Congrats.
These are stunning! You provide me with such inspiration and motivation, Wanda - thank you.
Do you fuse anything to the top of these before you quilt them?
That was the perfect description for your unquilted pieces. I love how they look as well. Beautiful either way.
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