After the 6" strips are cut I slice a sliver off the fold edge of a stack of 4 fabrics. These will end up in the dog beds too.
The last slice at 21" leaves the 6" selvage, sometimes with as much as an inch of the fabric print showing, sometimes just 1/4" of it showing. I separate out all of the ones with words and color circles and throw the rest into the dog bed filler bag.
I went to church sewing circle yesterday for a break in cutting. We were making tote bags for 2 different destinations.
I'm sure it felt good to get some more used up. Chris
I viewed the slides you have on flickr and they are inspiring. Your blog has certainly influenced my color choices. Since beginning to read your blog I have incorporated brighter colors, pairing colors that I would NEVER have paired before, and attempting patterns I would have shied away from previously. I'm sure there are lots of other quilters who can say that as well. Encouraging someone to push the boundaries of their aesthetics is certainly the sign of a master teacher. Thank you.
Are you saving the selvages to make a quilt?
My LQS showed using those little slivers cut from the folded edge as a very sweet birds nest with eggs nestled inside. A little fabric bird would look cute too.
It's so nice to find a use for those cut away bits. Since I started saving mine for someone who makes archery targets I've been surprised at the volume I've created. Of course quilting 18 veterans quilts helped.
It all sounds very efficient. Those selvages look so pretty.
Some doggies will be very happy with all your cuttings.
They use the scrap fabric here for the dog beds too. It's nice to know you can find a use for every little piece,
You make me smile, as you make use of every single fiber of fabrics. You even captured photo's that make the left overs look so good. (*._,*)
I'm so glad to hear you give your scraps to somebody who makes dog beds! I'm a crazy dog bed maker myself. About 7 years ago, just before I moved to Kentucky, I was at a retreat where I overheard somebody talking about making dog beds with fabric scraps. I thought it sounded crazy, that it would take way too long to collect enough to fill a dog bed.
But for some reason, after I moved, I decided to try. That was 6 years ag, and I've made 33 dog beds since then, some of them quite big - as in for German Shepherd Dogs and most recently a Great Dane. Of course, like you collect for your friend, by now lots of people collect for me, so when I go to retreats, I usually return home with my car FULL of dog bed scraps. Then it takes me weeks to process the stuff, because I am obsessive and want to go through it all. Not infrequently do I find needles or pins in the scraps - as well as all kinds of other stuff that doesn't belong, most of it probably wouldn't matter, but I just can't see giving away a dog bed with a needle in it!
I'm quite sure making these dog beds is NOT worth my time. But they look great - I buy upholstery remnants very cheaply and use that as covers - I so love the idea of nothing going to waste, and besides quilting, doing volunteer work with the Humane Society and rescue dogs is my other passion.
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