Monday, April 2, 2012

Crooked Cobblestones 4 - Cross

I finished the binding and hanging sleeve and label yesterday on Crooked Cobblestones 4 - Cross.  It is 30" x 69".  I took 26 photos, kept running to the computer to see if I had a good straight one.  Even this one isn't perfectly straight but it is the best photo so far.  I started out with daylight coming in the picture window and ended up with the flash for the last 2.  It is hard to get the camera at the right height so that neither the top nor the bottom look narrower than the other.  I will keep trying today.  While I was spending so much time at the computer I decided to back up the photos from the last 2 months onto my separate hard drive.  It is getting full so I spent more time deleting unnecessary photos from it, about 3 hours all together.  While I was going through photos from 2009 I noticed that the Redbud trees were blooming the last few days of April into the first week of May that year.
There are violets all over in the yard and the back garden.  These have pretty short stems so they aren't much good for a little bouquet but the later ones will have longer stems.
Last night I finished 2 of the mug rugs that I quilted a couple days ago. 


Eileen said...

Wanda, simply beautiful!

CQMadhatter said...

Wanda...Strikingly BEAUTIFUL...Got to be one of my top 10 favorites! CQMadhatter

*karendianne. said...

Oh Wanda. Amazing.

Julierose said...

Lovely cross quilt; and I think those mug rugs are pretty, too. Julierose

Debbie said...

This photo looks wonderful to me. The Cross is an absolutely jewel. Absolutely wonderful.
Now I think I need to make some more cobblestones and find a project for them!

Susan said...

Beautiful, simply beautiful!

Unknown said...

Simply gorgeous!

Karen H said...

The cross quilt is amazing - and so appropriate for this time of year! And the mug rugs are beautiful. I have discovered how fun the mug rugs are to make - I like that instant gratification of small projects once in awhile.

Diane said...

good straight photos are so hard to take-that one looks pretty dang good to me.

imquilternity said...

Your cross quilt is so beautiful. Such great colors. And, I love your mug rugs too.

Vicki W said...

The quilt turned out great! Do you have Photoshop Elements? You can adjust that camera distortion in PE. If you don't and have a photo you want adjusted send it to me. I'll be glad to adjust it for you.

Anonymous said...

As a child violets were flower of choice for Mom on mother's day.... would go off to the ally - down the street where some white ones grew to fancy up the purple ones... make the nosegay - one for grannie as well... and on really warm years there might be a tulip bud for the middle.

Needled Mom said...

One can spend so much time on the computer backing up and sorting out. UGH!

The quilt is just gorgeous, Wanda. I love that it looks as though light is shing through around the cross. Your mugs rugs are terrific too.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

This has to be one of my favorites, a really striking piece. We have violets in abundance, too, but ours never get the really long stems. They're still sweet though.

Anonymous said...

A lovely post today Wanda, Cross quilt is just stunning, and the violets, just love 'em... plus your lil mug rugs make nice compliments to a cup of coffee or tea.


Nifty Quilts said...

Stunning! Powerful! I love the glow effect.

KateKwiltz said...

It's beautiful, Wanda! And just in time for Easter!

Sue said...

Your cross quilt is particularly beautiful and well done.
Spring is 4 weeks early here this year. (Ohio)

Sheila said...

Your Crocked Cobblestone Cross quilt is absolutely Beautiful!!
Your mug rugs, too!
I love your work.

Lynn Cohen said...

Really really really pretty quilt!
And the cup rugs are clever and attractive too.

Annie said...

Thanks for posting the photo of the violets. I have some growing in my yard, too! Some people spend a fortune spraying and killing every plant that isn't grass, but the wild flowers that sprout in my yard are much more interesting to look at!

Pat said...

I love all the things that you have made. And the violets another of my favorite flowers along with the lilacs that I have sitting in a vase right now. They make me sneeze and I have a runny nose but I suffer through it all just to have the smell and the beauty of it all. I love springtime.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt turned out beautiful!
Would look lovely hanging in a church! You sure know how to put
colors together so that they just glow!
I would pick you violets and put them in a shot glass full of water. I love violets!
I'm going to have to try making me
some mug rugs. Yours turn out so pretty.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy quilting!

Kay in Kansas

Nann said...

Your Cobblestone Cross is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your cross quilt!!! I'll have to make one! Thank you! ♥♥♥

Teresa Rawson said...

I'm not much of a photographer, but my husband recently commented after I had gone on a verbal tirade about how none of my pictures ever turn out right and nothing looks square...well after he had me in a straight jacket, he said I should use a tiny bit of the zoom. Something about "zoom" makes quilt square.

It really works! (not that my pictures are that much better...)

In stitches,
Teresa :o)

Teresa Rawson said...

OOPS! forgot to say how incredible the cross quilt is!!

still in stitches,
Teresa :o)