Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Garden walk..............

One half of a long side is all of the hand sewing on the binding that I got done yesterday.

Many years ago a friend sold me the starts to these lilies and she called them Blackberry Lily.  They continue to survive in the wild back garden.

The first Purple Coneflower has bloomed but it is so pale this year.  I wonder if that is because of our dry conditions.  We didn't have measurable rain for 2 1/2 weeks.

More flowers are starting to bloom at the other end of the garden.

A big patch of Oxeye Daisies is in full bloom.

The Oxeye Daisies are over 4 feet tall.  There are some Purple Coneflower plants to the left and in front of them so this area is really pretty when it is all in bloom.

We got another half inch of rain so I haven't had to water anything.

I have been working in the basement in the mornings, pressing fabrics and preparing for cutting.  I have LOTS of cutting to do so not much to show.  Hopefully I'll get that binding done soon so I can show a finish.


Julierose said...

You have such beautiful flowers blooming, Wanda; I love those lilies--mine are in bud, but haven't as yet opened up...
Yesterday's tests showed no problems so that is a relief!!
Today: "Dolce Far Niente" for me hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

around here the orange lily almost grows wild all over the state. I think they were used at all the old homesteads for years and as those properties were deserted people went out like us and dug up bulbs and other plants to plant in their own yards. They grow in ditches now and in the middle of fields at times. When we first moved here to the country there were not near the amount of people as there was then and we would stop at places in the country were no lived anymore and dig up plants and bring them home to plant here. We saved a lot of money on plants for sure. (there were no for sale signs no keep out signs just deserted)

JJM said...

Nice garden walk photos for the day …. Always refreshing to see.


Barbara Anne said...

Lovely garden flowers and cheers for your rain! We need rain badly and it's 99*F today, not counting the horrid 'heat index'.

Well done on the binding progress and all the cutting you're doing in the cool of your basement. Do you listen to music or radio while cutting?


Ann said...

My purple coneflowers didn't bloom this year; perhaps I over-fertilized them. But the hybrid coneflowers did. Like yours, they are pale. I've been reworking my perennials so planted lots of zinnias among them to give them time to grow.