Saturday, June 8, 2024

24 blocks................

There are 24 blocks on the design wall, enough for the size quilt I want to make.  I'm not happy with the layout. The darkest strips are alternated in each block; vertical and horizontal.  There are 4 background fabrics and I'm trying to not have 2 of the same fabric touching.  There are duplicates of 2 fabrics so I don't want those 2 blocks next to each other.  And then.....there are dark blocks and light blocks.  I see 2 blocks with stripes next to each other; one has to be moved.

Another thing that bothers me is that the background fabric that is directional is going 2 different ways. With all of the other things to consider for the layout it is almost impossibe to have then all marching in the same direction.  It would have been easier if I had 10 different background fabrics.  I have at least another day deciding on the layout.  The blocks haven't been pressed yet so maybe I'll do that while I'm moving blocks around.


Kathy said...

No suggestions from the peanut gallery will change how your eye sees this. We all would arrange according to our own sense of design, so what you can remind yourself of is that once quilted, it will be perfect to anyone looking at it. Ignore the backgrounds if need be and just arrange the stripes! It's a lovely design.

Nann said...

My .02 is that the low-volume block in the lower right of the second photo is TOO low-volume. I don't notice the directional background at all. As we've both observed, whoever receives are quilts most likely doesn't notice subtle directional differences or two-fabrics-touching but we as the makers are acutely aware! [We ought to make NTFT an initialism....]

Julierose said...

Those two parameters are difficult to work with, Wanda. I didn't notice the directions on the backgrounds either! Have fun setting this one together in its final stage...
68 here right now and sunny--hopefully a deck morning...
I am beginning to hand quilt my "Hugs and X's" little quiltlet today...
hugs, Julierose

Mary said...

The directional fabric doesn't bother me since it is consistent within the block. I find me eye drawn to the very light block on the bottom row and I don't know how to best use that. I love the farbrics though, and it will be a very pretty quilt whatever layout you choose.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it looks like a challenging pattern to work with.

Anonymous said...

The very low volume block doesn’t bother me. Maybe more blocks where one “main” fabric is more low-medium value?

JJM said...

This quilt has been intriguing from the start. The photos from a distance and then up close are so fun to see, as they look like two different quilts. Enlarging the photos brings it to another beautiful level.


Linda Swanekamp said...

Yes, those blocks are a challenge. I don't know if going from the light ones grouped down the dark would work. Eventually, you will figure it out or put them away for another day. The important thing is recognizing it before it gets sewn together.

Barbara Anne said...

I look forward to seeing how your final block arrangement looks as you have such a good eye for color! Enjoy the challenge and remember there are no quilt police.


Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Wonderful pairings Wanda! Loving how when a sprinkling of irregularity happens (like print directionality), it's like a happy accident!

Patty said...

That’s just too much for me to think about! LOL!! I’m sure you will settle on a layout.